Working in spite of rheumatic illness This is how rheumatism and work can be reconciled

Do not give up your job: continue to work despite rheumatism
In Germany, around 1.5 million people suffer from inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Many sufferers give up work in the years after diagnosis. But that would not be often. Health experts explain how rheumatism and work can be reconciled.
Many rheumatic patients give up their jobs
According to the German Society for Rheumatology e.V. (DGRh), around 1.5 million people in Germany suffer from inflammatory rheumatic diseases. With a peak between the ages of 40 and 60 years, they usually meet people of working age - with sometimes serious consequences, explain the experts in a statement. In the first three years after diagnosis, one in five rheumatic patients gives up work. The DGRh therefore calls for an open approach to the disease: If workers and employers look for solutions together, a lasting involvement of those affected in the job is usually possible.

Earning capacity
As the experts explain, there are a variety of forms of rheumatism - they have in common that the immune system attacks the body's own structures and thus triggers chronic inflammation.
In the most common and best-known form, rheumatoid arthritis, the inner lining of the skin is mainly affected by the painful process of inflammation.
"If left untreated, rheumatoid arthritis often progresses in spurts and ultimately leads to deformation and loss of function of the affected joints," says DGRh President Professor Dr. med. med. Hanns-Martin Lorenz.
Pain, fatigue, and progressive restrictions on movement often make it impossible to carry on the work in full.
In order to maintain the ability to work, it is crucial to block the inflammatory process as early and consistently as possible.
What can help those affected
According to health experts, rheumatism usually uses medicines that, in addition to pain relief, have the important function of preventing or at least slowing down permanent damage to the joints.
Sometimes natural remedies such as radon heat therapy in warm healing tunnels help against the pain of rheumatism.
In addition, scientific research has shown that training on the game console, an anti-inflammatory diet and cereal can relieve arthritis symptoms.
Therapeutic options have improved
"In recent years, the therapeutic options have improved significantly," said Professor Lorenz, head of the Department of Rheumatology at the University Hospital of Heidelberg and medical-scientific director of the ACURA Rheumatic Center Baden Baden.
With early diagnosis and consistent anti-inflammatory therapy, the symptoms could often dominate and avoid consequential damage such as permanent restriction of movement.
Despite these advances, people with rheumatism tend to rely on treating their illness at the workplace.
"Often it helps when working hours become more flexible," explains Professor Lorenz. For example, on days with pronounced morning stiffness of the joints, those affected might start working later, making appointments more flexible.
Legal promotion
In addition, it would be helpful to design the workplace ergonomically and to adapt it to the needs of these employees. In larger companies, a change in the field of work to less physically demanding activities is conceivable.
According to the experts, for many of these measures - up to retraining and handicapped conversions - a legal promotion is available.
"Here, above all, the employer is in demand, who must apply for the aid in close consultation with the employee and the attending physician".
Ideally, there is a "win-win situation" at the end: the company keeps a motivated specialist and the employee has the opportunity to continue to work successfully and independently. (Ad)