App for location-specific pollen forecasting

Improved help for pollen allergy sufferers via App: The Foundation German Pollen Information Service (PID) has again enhanced the free app for pollen prediction with version 4.0. Now, the expected average daily load for a location can also be predicted. In addition, the app provides detailed information on flowering times and a countdown to the pollen season start.

The core of the pollen forecast site-specific app is the pollen diary
The user only has to enter his location by postal code in the app. To receive personalized pollen warnings, the pollen journal can be kept. "The documented complaints to the eye, nose and bronchi are compared by the app with the type and number of pollen collected in the nearest pollen trap. It is always true: the more accurate and regular the symptom data is entered into the pollen diary - preferably daily - the more tailor-made a personal prognosis can be calculated from, "PID reports. The data from the pollen diary can then be forwarded to the attending physician via the app. This can, for example, help to find out how well a therapy strikes.
"We evaluated many patient sheets last year," says Prof. Karl-Christian Bergmann of PID, based at the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin. "This information helped us a lot to be able to assess the pollution caused by the pollen count even more precisely."
In addition, the app offers a pollen lexicon with plant profiles, which should help to avoid contact with the allergens as possible.
The pollen app is available for iOS and Android and can be downloaded for free on the PID website or in the respective app stores. (Ag)