Pharmacists call for clearance and precise rules for medicinal cannabis

Pharmacists call for clearance and precise rules for medicinal cannabis / Health News
The call for the full medical release of cannabis is getting louder and louder. The effective plant should be used primarily as a painkiller in serious diseases such as cancer. Worldwide studies indicate good efficacy and tolerability. However, the pharmacists want to see three requirements met in the medical use of cannabis. As part of the German Pharmacists Day, the list of demands was presented and approved by a large majority.

The pharmacy wants to see three requirements met in the medical use of cannabis: First, cannabis, which is used for medical purposes, must have the necessary pharmaceutical quality. Secondly, medically prescribed cannabis, like other prescription medicines, may only be dispensed in pharmacies. Thirdly, medically prescribed cannabis must be reimbursed by statutory health insurance companies. The General Meeting of German Pharmacists decided on these claims by a large majority in the context of the German Pharmacists' Day.

Pharmacies list of demands for a sale of cannabis in pharmacies. Image: goodmanphoto - fotolia

Consistent quality only with controlled cultivation
The President of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists, Dr. med. Andreas Kiefer: "The quality requirements must be scientifically sound and comprehensible. A consistent quality can only be guaranteed by a controlled cultivation with constant inspection, but not by a self-cultivation by the patients. "The delivery in the pharmacy is essential to ensure the necessary advice on the application. Kiefer continues: "The funds must pay for prescribed cannabis. It does not depend on the economic situation of the patients whether or not they have access to medically indicated therapy with cannabis. "

Accurate dosages are important
Pharmacists strongly recommend using cannabis only as a medicine with precisely dosed ingredients. It is already possible today for pharmacies to produce prescription medications with dronabinol, an active ingredient of the cannabis plant, as prescribed by the doctor. However, these would not be reimbursed by all public health insurance companies. The current different practice of the health insurance companies is unacceptable for affected patients, so Kiefer. (Sb)