Pharmacists increase pressure on coffers

Pharmacists increase pressure on coffers / Health News

German Pharmacy Association calls „more fairness "from the health insurance companies


The German Pharmacy Association (DAV) takes a clear position before the negotiations on the 2013 cash discount and demands „more fairness“ from the statutory health insurance. The DAV fears that the funds want to base their negotiations on the basis of the statutory cash discount for 2011 and 2012 and not on the previously set by the arbitration board amount of 1.75 euros per pack.

Pharmacists threaten coffers with arbitration
„The ratio of us pharmacists to the health insurance companies should be fair and fair“, said Fritz Becker, Chairman of the German Pharmacists Association (DAV). „It is from the 'Status Quo ante' to negotiate and that is unmistakably 1.75 euros. However, if the GKV-Spitzenverband does not show a willingness to cooperate, then we know our colleagues in solidarity and collective behind us.“ Becker refers to the cash discount, which was set for 2011 and 2012 by law at 2.05 euros per pack, although the arbitration had previously set 25 cents less. „If the GKV-Spitzenverband should see the starting point for the negotiations differently ", he could" very quickly call the arbitration board ", warned Becker at the opening of the trade fair for pharmacists „Expopharm“ in Munich. The chairman of the DAV expects, if at all, only a small reduction in the package lump sum, after it has recently been increased by 25 cents.

Pharmacists call „Fair and fair“ Relationship to health insurance
Becker criticized the behavior of the health insurance against the pharmacists. „Without the use of the pharmacist, not a single cent of the discount contracts would be lifted. Instead of appreciating this commitment, we are overwhelmed by some health insurance companies with adventurous letter of reminder. This is not partnership-based work - quite the opposite, "emphasizes Becker.

„What we do not want to resign ourselves to is that drugs are taken over and over again that are either not available or not available in sufficient quantity.“ Thus, the confusion with the flu vaccines, which are currently affected by some states, due to the problems of the funds in tenders. „The responsibility lies clearly and clearly with the coffers. If you want to generate billions of euros in savings, you have to set up your contracts neatly and introduce them cleanly into the market. "

Becker also criticized the inappropriate, instructive tone of the coffers, which they would often take when it comes to the replacement of a non-deliverable drug. The pharmacists would often not even be paid for it - despite the fact material and consulting services. „Elsewhere, that's what they call a piggyback“, Becker. The health insurance companies are downright control-mad when it comes to the smallest form errors. This must be stopped by legal regulation. „If a solution does not come soon, we must seriously consider sending patients immediately to the doctors with prescriptions that are not clearly in accordance with the terms of all supply contracts and other agreements - or their own health insurance“, warns the chairman of the DAV. (Ag)

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Picture: siepmannH