AOK Bayern waives additional contribution in 2011

AOK Bayern waived for the time being on additional contribution 2011
The Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse AOK Bavaria has announced that it will not charge an additional contribution this year from the insured. Whether this promise also applies to the coming year, however, was left open. However, it would be frivolous to claim to completely exclude a supplementary contribution, said a senior clerk at the box office.
The largest health insurance company in Bavaria has announced that it will not make an additional contribution this year. This result was reached after a meeting of the Board of Directors. „I am confident that we can do without additional contribution in 2011“, said Georg Kleeblatt, Advisory Council Chairman of the AOK „Mercury Online“. In times of the health fund one wants to take over this however no guarantees, finally the allocations of the fund are subject to strong fluctuations, on which the health insurance has hardly any influence.
The State Social Court of North Rhine-Westphalia had committed in an urgent procedure, the cashier to repay about 91 million of allocations from 2009 to the health fund. The AOK Bavaria had received after the introduction of the health fund for the year 2009 too high compensatory amounts and should now reimburse the funds according to the demands of the Federal Insurance Office. Some health economists now took the view that the AOK Bayern would have to make additional contributions in the course of this.
One could not insure seriös that future no additional contribution is levied, also stressed cloverleaf. Therefore, the financial experts of the cash register must constantly monitor the revenue and expenditure side. „Additional contributions are wanted by the policy as another financing pillar, but each month without additional contribution is a gain for the insured and pensioners“, said the AOK Advisory Board Chairman. Since the entry into force of the health reform, the health insurances can determine the amount of the additional obolus themselves. So far, 13 of the 156 statutory health insurance companies are making additional contributions. Most funds had to accept then substantial member losses.
However, the AOK is confident that the course of economic growth and success will continue. Through the introduction of additional contributions from other funds, the AOK evidently experienced a significant increase in membership. Supplementary contributors had in the past year made use of their special right of termination and changed the box office. Cloverleaf itself cited as a reason a strong presence by regional representatives on site and a high level of expertise of the staff in the consultation. In addition, the service convinced. For example, offer a medical advice on the phone and inform around the clock. If there is a suspicion of a medical malpractice, the AOK will assist the insured person, according to the shamrock. A good service convinces, as reported by independent consulting companies. (Sb)
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AOK Bayern has to repay 91 million euros
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