Signs of male menopause

The main signs of male menopause: hormone replacement therapy usually not necessary
For women, the menopause turns a lot on the head: hot flashes, sleep disorders or dizziness are just a few symptoms. But that too „Strength“ Gender suffers from hormone changes from the age of 50. These male menopause - medically known as andropause - bring in every fifth man changes of the unpleasant kind with it. However, hormone replacement therapy is usually unnecessary.
Dr. Reinhold Schaefer, Managing Director of the medical network Uro-GmbH Nordrhein, explains what's up with the menopausal years: „Strictly speaking, the andropause is not a disease, but a natural phase of life that is more unspecific and less pronounced in contrast to the female menopause.“ From around the age of 35, hormone production in men is slowly decreasing. The typical male hormone testosterone controls the sexual functions libido, potency and fertility. When hormones get mixed up in a male, sex life, fertility and mood are affected considerably. The most important indicators of andropause are sexual. „Most men have found that morning erections are less common and the sex drive is reduced. In addition, some suffer from erectile dysfunction.“ But the body is not as powerful with decreasing testosterone levels. „Applying strength, such as jogging, lifting heavy objects or running long stretches, and kneeling and bending, is not so easy anymore.“ Also about sleep deprivation, lack of concentration, fatigue and sometimes depressive moods complain some affected men.
Some of these side effects sometimes require the advice of a urologist. „Anyone who mentally puts a lot of stress on symptoms should always consult a urologist“, clarifies Shepherd. In addition to a detailed conversation, a physical examination also belongs to the diagnosis, in order to rule out organic causes for the complaints. Blood tests determine the concentration of sex hormones in the blood. At low values speaks much for male menopause. A questionnaire also helps to determine the severity and the need for treatment.
„A classic hormone replacement therapy does not exist in men, but it is basically possible after a thorough urological examination.“ However, the decision should be carefully weighed. Schaefer's experience is that most men suffer most from the loss of their libido and erectile dysfunction. Depending on the cause, then the administration of so-called PD5 inhibitors in question. But it is important that testosterone in the body is still available in sufficient quantities. „But there is no such thing as a medicinal fountain of youth. Much more important, however, is to maintain the hormone testosterone by adequate exercise and a healthy diet and to counteract a sinking hormone levels“, concludes Dr. Shepherd. (Pm)