Number of new cancer diagnoses almost doubled in Germany

According to a recent report, the number of new cases of cancer in Germany has almost doubled since 1970. The main reason for this is the aging of society. Positive: Patients now live significantly longer after cancer diagnosis than they did ten years ago.
Number of cancer cases almost doubled since 1970
The World Cancer Report of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has warned against an increase in cancer. According to this, 20 million new cases could occur annually by 2025. Also in Germany there are more and more cancers. The number of new cases has almost doubled in this country since 1970.

Older society
As reported by the Federal Ministry of Health and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin, about 482,500 people contracted cancer in 2013. The development is justified with the aging society. It is known that the risk of disease in many cancers increases with age. If this effect is taken out, the incidence rates in some types of cancer have been falling for some years, the news agency dpa reports.
For example, the number of lung cancer cases in men is declining. This has to do with the fact that there are fewer and fewer smokers in Germany.
Patients with cancer diagnosis live longer today
According to the information provided by the "Cancer Report in Germany" of the Center for Cancer Registry Data (ZfKD) at the RKI, an overview of illnesses, progress and future developments is available for the first time.
According to dpa sees Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU) based on the expert report progress in the fight against cancer. "Thanks to our good health care, people today live much longer after cancer diagnosis than ten years ago," said the minister.
Four million Germans already had cancer
This is not the only case in Germany: life expectancy with cancer has increased across Europe. Nevertheless, a few months ago physicians reported that around one in four people in the European Union is dying from cancer.
In Germany, people who die from cancer are on average 74 years old - four years older than in 1980, reports the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (SZ). There are currently about four million people in this country who have ever had cancer in their lives.
Improvements in lung cancer in men
According to the SZ, the cancer prostate cancer and lung cancer situation in men has improved, but in women and adolescents the lower smoking rates are not yet reflected in cancer statistics.
Only recently, the Federal Statistical Office published new figures, according to which the lung cancer deaths in women have increased significantly.
More cases of pancreatic cancer
Declining, however, are the new cases of gastric and colon cancer. In the long term, according to SZ, there is also a sharp decline in cervical cancer. On the other hand, the incidence rates of pancreatic cancer and malignant liver tumors are increasing.
In breast cancer screening, the report provides a first indication "of a positive effect": The rate of discovered advanced tumors in older women is therefore today lower than a few years ago. However, the mammography is controversial, since it is known that the investigation provides no guarantee.
Diseases often preventable
About one third of all cancers worldwide are considered preventable. The cancer risk can be significantly reduced. When it comes to cancer prevention measures, it is above all the fight against smoking. Important to know: Smokers not only get sick and die from lung cancer.
"Currently, more than 72,000 cancer cases in Germany are attributable to smoking every year. Tobacco use is not only a risk factor for lung cancer, but tumors can also develop in the throat and larynx, esophagus, intestine or in the lower urinary tract, "writes the ZfKD on its website. "Even stomach, kidney or pancreas can be affected," it continues.
Another way to reduce your personal cancer risk is to limit your alcohol intake. After all, alcohol can trigger seven different types of cancer, according to scientific findings.
Furthermore, it is recommended to pay attention to a healthy diet, to exercise regularly and to avoid overweight. (Ad)