Antibiotics Critical knowledge gaps in Europe
Antibiotics: questionable knowledge gaps in Europe: The results of a survey published today suggest an inadequate level of information among the population of 15 EU Member States regarding the mode of action and application of antibiotics.
The results of a survey published today suggest an inadequate level of information among the population of 15 EU Member States regarding the mode of action and application of antibiotics. Despite dreaded antibiotic resistances, which develop as a result of too frequent ingestion and make the microbial drugs ineffective, a total of 40% of the EU residents surveyed said they had undergone antibiotic treatment in the last 12 months. While respondents in Germany were among the most discreet antibiotic consumers with 28%, they were „leader“ in the southern European countries. However, a concurrent progress report on the Council Recommendation on the prudent use of antimicrobials has already allowed „good progress“ be recorded.
Lack of knowledge leads to unnecessary use of antibiotics.In particular, 15-24-year-old Europeans seem to have been little informed about the mode of action of antibiotics; in the EU average, at least 20% (in Germany 23%) of respondents stated that they also use microbial drugs to treat influenza infections. However, these are usually viral and therefore not an antibiotic treatment, which is directed exclusively against bacteria.
Considering that 95% of respondents have been given the drug by a doctor or prescribed, inevitably raises the question of the level of information of the prescribing physicians. However, many justify this, the prescription of antibiotics in simple colds with the possibility of bacterial infection that are viral in addition „superimpose“ could.
Naturopathy warns against unnecessary burden on the organism: In addition to the dreaded resistances, which have long-term devastating effects on the medical care of bacterial diseases, from the point of view of naturopathy each superfluous antibiosis poses a health burden for the individual organism Interfere with the microbiological flora of the intestinal mucosa and there lead to a false colonization (intestinal dysbiosis). As a result, it may u.a. Indigestion and food intolerances (leaky-gut syndrome) come, but also disorders of the immune system as well as fungal infections of the intestine. (Dipl.Päd. J. Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner, 12.04.2010)
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