Contraceptive pill New warning indicates possible depression and suicidal tendencies

Contraceptive pill New warning indicates possible depression and suicidal tendencies / Health News

Contraceptive pill: New warning on suicide risk as a possible result of depression

It has long been known that the birth control pill can be associated with numerous side effects. However, some users do not know that the pill and other hormonal contraceptive methods can also have a significant impact on the psyche. Because of this risk, the package leaflet will in future contain a warning on the risk of depression and suicide.

Drug with side effects

Fast, safe and comfortable: many women still rely on hormonal contraceptive methods. No wonder - when taken and used properly, birth control pills usually provide reliable protection and sexual freedom. However, the intake of the drug is associated with unpleasant side effects. This can lead, among other things, to weight gain and headaches. It is also known that through birth control pills a high risk of thrombosis threatens. In addition, the pill and other hormonal contraceptive methods can have consequences for the users' psyche. This should be pointed out in the future on the leaflets.

The contraceptive pill can have a significant effect on the psyche. The drug therefore receives a warning about depression and suicide. (Image: Wolfilser /

In case of mood swings and depressive symptoms turn to the doctor

"Depressed mood and depression are common side effects when using hormonal contraceptives," writes the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) in a statement.

"Depression can be severe and is a common risk factor for suicidal behavior and suicide," it continues.

The BfArM and several pharmaceutical companies now announced in a letter addressed primarily to doctors and pharmacists that, on the recommendation of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), a new corresponding warning notice would be included in the Specialist and Package Information.

According to the so-called Red Hand Letter, women should be advised to contact their doctor in the event of mood swings and depressive symptoms, even if these occur shortly after initiation of treatment.

Increased suicide risk

Last year's EMA recommendation is based on a Danish study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry.

The researchers around Øjvind Lidegaard from the University of Copenhagen had evaluated data from nearly 500,000 women, and found a connection between hormonal contraception and an increased risk of suicide.

Of the women, 6,999 had at least attempted suicide and 71 committed suicide.

According to study authors, users of hormonal contraceptives were about twice as likely to commit suicide attempts as non-users, and threefold higher in suicide risk.

"The calculated risk was higher in the age group of 15-19-year-olds than in older users," writes the BfArM.

However, the EMA concluded that "due to the limitation of available data, no clear causal link could be identified." (Ad)