Increase in Norovirus Infeke in Hesse

Increase in Norovirus Infeke in Hesse / Health News

Lack of hygiene? 1,433 norovirus cases since the beginning of the year in Hesse


In Hesse, this year already a considerable number of norovirus infections were found, the Techniker Krankenkasse reported in a recent press release. In 2013, there were a total of 5,129 norovirus infections in Hesse. This year, according to figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 1,433 infections were reported in the first quarter. A large part (793 cases) thereof from the area of ​​the administrative district Darmstadt. The Techniker Krankenkasse therefore also recalled the importance of thorough hygiene in disease prevention.

In view of the high number of norovirus infections in the first quarter of 2014, Dr. Helga Christoffel, general practitioner from the TK-Ärztezentrum, that in the protection against corresponding infections, the „Hygiene is the name of the game“ fancy. Here sick people should, but „Therefore, all those who deal with them should pay special attention to the observance of hygiene measures“, so the message of TK. Dr. Christoffel explicitly pointed out how contagious norovirus infections are. Even the vomit of the patients was highly infectious. „The gastrointestinal germ is highly contagious and able to adapt quickly to altered survival conditions“, Christoffel explained

Thorough hygiene can prevent norovirus infections
Transmission of noroviruses is also possible, according to the medical profession, via food. „Food that is eaten raw should therefore be peeled or extensively cleaned“, warned the expert. She also recommends avoiding food that you did not prepare yourself and that contains raw products. For persons who are not in direct contact with patients, the usual hygiene measures such as washing hands after each visit to the toilet is also advised, as the Noroviruses can survive on surfaces and objects for up to twelve hours, reports the TK.

Gastrointestinal discomfort as a typical sign of norovirus infection
Typical signs of Norovirus infection are severe gastrointestinal complaints with abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Because sufferers lose a lot of fluids and electrolytes, „means drink, drink, drink“, explained Dr. Christoffel. To compensate for the electrolyte balance, the technician health insurance recommends chicken broth or clear vegetable soup. Since an untreated norovirus infection - especially in babies, toddlers and the elderly - could cause threatening cardiovascular problems, a doctor's visit is urgently recommended according to the TK. (Fp)

Image: Stephanie Hofschlaeger,