Increase in new cancer cases in Achim, Lower Saxony

Increase in new cancer cases in Achim, Lower Saxony / Health News
Unusually high numbers of cancers in the city of Achim
In the Lower Saxon town of Achim (Verden district), the evaluation of the Epidemiological Cancer Registry of Lower Saxony (EKN) has detected an unusually high number of new cancer cases. In Achim "statistically conspicuous many newly diagnosed mesothelioma diseases" occurred, reports the district of Verden.

The Niedersachsen-wide monitoring of the EKN has analyzed the occurrence of cancer at the regional level and found an unusual increase in cancer cases in the city of Achim. "The district of Verden has been informed by the Epidemiological Cancer Registry of Lower Saxony about this conspicuousness," reports the district administrator Peter Bohlmann (SPD). Now an immediate clarification of the findings is required to obtain certainty regarding the causes.

Contact with asbestos is considered a probable cause of Achim's cancers. (Image: rob3000 /

Significant increase in cancers in men
In the years 2008 to 2012, fourteen cases of mesothelioma diseases were registered at the EKN, while on the basis of the average number of diseases in Lower Saxony only four new cases were to be expected, reports the district of Verden. The increase continued in 2013 (six cases observed, 0.8 statistically expected). The in-depth analysis showed that the increase was in men, but not in women. All diseased men had been older than 60 years at the time of diagnosis, although this was not a special feature in comparison to the age distribution of mesothelioma disorders in men throughout Lower Saxony. Again, 90 percent of cases would occur at the age of 60 years.

Asbestos exposure cause of increased cancers?
According to the district of Verden, mesotheliomas are "among the rarer cancers." The malignant connective tissue tumors, which usually affect the pleura, are often triggered by contact with asbestos, which is often due to work. "Since mesothelioma diseases are mostly caused by asbestos exposure in the workplace", the current research on the causes of the increased numbers of illnesses focuses primarily on the professional relationships of those affected, reports the director of the Verden health authority, Dr. med. Bernhard Kruger. Given the long latency period of this disease, it can be assumed that the triggering burdens were several decades ago. Now it must be clarified beyond doubt whether it is past burdens from the world of work, adds District Administrator Peter Bohlmann.

Monitoring of cancers by the EKN
In Lower Saxony, according to official figures, around 48,000 people a year are diagnosed with malignant tumors and almost 22,000 people die of cancer. The reported illnesses and deaths are evaluated by the EKN to provide the data collected for cause research, health reporting and health planning. The newly introduced monitoring at community level enables an inter-communal comparison, which makes statistically conspicuous cancer collections easily recognizable, as in the city of Achim. However, this is only the first step. Much more crucial is that the causes are subsequently identified and, if necessary, remedied. Read also: These are first signs of cancer. (Fp)