Increase in flu cases So far over 4600 illnesses reported

Increase in flu cases So far over 4600 illnesses reported / Health News
Number of influenza cases in Germany continues to rise
The flu epidemic 2016 is apparently picking up speed. Nearly 1,700 influenza cases were reported in the last week of January. There are already more than 4,600 in total. Particularly affected are parts of East Germany.
Number of influenza cases increases
The flu epidemic in Germany is getting more and more in motion. The number of people suffering from ailments such as fever, joint and limb pain, chills, headaches and coughing has increased significantly. According to the latest weekly report of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), about 1,680 laboratory confirmed cases of influenza were reported in the last week of January. Since the beginning of the season in October 2015, around 4,660 infections have been reported. A message from the dpa news agency indicates that about a quarter of the patients were in the hospital.

Is it a simple cold or a flu? Image: Gina Sanders - fotolia

No unusual course
An RKI spokeswoman said that the course has not been unusual for the season so far. It should also be noted that the reporting data reflects only a fraction of the actual events. Frequently, patients are not sure whether a flu or influenza infection is responsible for their complaints. Not all of them go to the doctor and even there people with cold symptoms are not always tested for influenza.

Prevent a contagion
Nationwide, the activity of acute respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, pharyngitis and pneumonia by the RKI is rated as "moderately elevated". However, the situation is described as "greatly increased" in Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony. How the flu epidemic will be, is not foreseeable. Health experts recommend regular, thorough hand washing to prevent infection. In addition, one should keep a distance from infected. Some experts also advise persons from risk groups to vaccinate. Especially in the elderly, a real flu can be severe and deadly. (Ad)