Increase in pharmaceutical expenditure from 2014

Increase in pharmaceutical expenditure from 2014 / Health News

Expenditure stagnation in 2012 - increase in expenditure from 2014


After the health insurance companies' spending on medicines has barely changed in recent years, the head of the IGES institute, Bertram Häussler, expects a significant increase in spending on medicines from 2014 onwards. Decisive reason is the reduction of the drug rebate, which the manufacturers have to give the health insurance.

The significant reduction in the compulsory rebate from 16 percent to six percent in the future, according to calculations by the IGES Institute, will lead to an increase in pharmaceutical spending of around 1.4 billion euros in 2014. Other factors, such as the introduction of new, more expensive medicines, will lead to further expenditure growth, leading to an estimated € 1.85 billion in drug surpluses. An increase in spending of around six percent, which could lead to considerable financial burdens for some health insurance companies.

Consumption increase strongest cost driver
While a significant increase in spending is expected in the future, the latest release shows „Medicinal Atlas 2013“ of the IGES Institute, in which the 2012 data was prepared „the expenditures of the legal health insurance (GKV) for medicines altogether hardly changed in relation to the previous year“ according to the communication of the institute. In 2012, only a modest increase of 214 million euros or 0.7 percent to a total of 29.2 billion euros was observed. In 2011, pharmaceutical spending declined by 1.2 billion euros or four percent. In 2012, according to the IGES Institute „the increase in consumption is the strongest driver for the increase in spending.“ However, overall, spending growth remained modest due to the special discounts, especially when compared to other areas such as hospital costs. According to Bertram Häussler, these figures have risen by more than 11 percent between 2009 and 2012.

The moderate increase in pharmaceutical expenditure in 2012 „is a sign that the regulatory measures launched in 2010 in the form of the Law amending health insurance and other regulations (GKV-ÄndG) Mainly due to the price moratorium continued to be effective“, This is the conclusion of the IGES Institute on the development of pharmaceutical expenditure last year. Also be for example „Provider-related savings through the generic and manufacturing component“ amounting to 826 million euros. Overall, spending development in the area of ​​pharmaceuticals has been surprisingly positive in recent years. However, with the significant reduction in the special discount, a return to substantially higher increases in expenditure is to be expected here. (Fp)

Picture credits: Rainer Sturm