Fear of aging becomes unfounded

Fear of aging becomes unfounded / Health News
Feeling old: Do not be afraid of getting older
For years, the life expectancy of people worldwide has increased. Many people initially think of physical and mental limitations or illnesses as the term "getting older". However, according to scientists, people age at different rates. One should not be afraid of getting older.

As old as you feel
"One is not as old as one feels, but as old as one is old", the German singer Marteria sings in his song "Sekundenschlaf". He refers to the oft-heard statement of people who feel younger than they really are. The digital tablet magazine "Apotheken Umschau elixier" (issue of October 1) now reports that the saying: One is as old as one feels, partly true. They refer to study results from the USA.

The fear of aging is unfounded. (Image: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Some people age faster
According to US researchers have found that people age at different rates. The scientists examined more than 1,000 people until their 38th year and found that some physically and mentally ten years younger, while others were 20 years older. The decisive factor is the so-called "biological age", which describes the individual physical condition and state of health. According to the experts, a lot of sport, no overweight or cigarettes, and little alcohol help against premature aging, so you stay younger than you are. ( "Https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/biologisches-so-bleibt-man-juenger-als-man-ist-2015080442256")

Do not be afraid of getting older
But you do not have to be afraid of aging, even when the first taps are coming up: "On average, most people change positively: They become emotionally more stable, more tolerable and conscientious," said Mathias Allemand, a gerontopsychologist at the University of Zurich the magazine. Aging is a positive development process ("https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/aelterwerden-ist-ein-positiver-entwicklungs-prozess-901853448520.php") also says Frieder Lang, professor of aging research at the University of Erlangen- Nuremberg. Although it brings many losses and injuries with it, but also many experience gains. (Ad)