Fear of nuclear catastrophe NRW coincides with millions of iodine tablets

Fear of nuclear catastrophe NRW coincides with millions of iodine tablets / Health News
Civil protection: NRW stores tons of iodine tablets
North Rhine-Westphalia stores large quantities of iodine tablets in order to protect the population from possible nuclear accidents. In the West German federal state, the concern about radiation is particularly great. Health experts warn against the "precautionary" use of such drugs.

Protection in the event of a reactor accident
In North Rhine-Westphalia stored for preventative protection in a nuclear accident tons of iodine tablets. In the fall, the disaster control offices are equipping themselves nationwide with millions of additional such drugs. A spokeswoman for the NRW Interior Ministry told the German Press Agency that NRW is the only federal state to provide iodine tablets decentralized for all persons in need of special protection.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, large quantities of iodine tablets are stored in order to protect the population from possible nuclear accidents. The population of the state is particularly worried. (Image: anoli / fotolia.com)

Potassium iodide weakens absorption of radioactive iodine
According to the information, potassium iodide is used in nuclear incidents as it greatly attenuates the absorption of radioactive iodine in the body. According to recommendations of the German Radiation Protection Commission, updated in 2015, iodine tablets should now be available to a wider group of people. "Iodine tablets saturate the thyroid gland with non-radioactive iodine and thus prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland when taken in a timely manner," states the Commission's framework recommendations.

We warn against a "precautionary" medication
And further: "Ingestion is only necessary if, after the assessment of the situation, a significant release of radioactive iodine actually has to be feared and the intervention guidelines may be exceeded." Health experts such as the German Society of Endocrinology (DGE) strongly advise against a "precautionary" Self-medication off. Inappropriate use of iodine tablets can cause harm to the body. It threatens, for example, a hyperthyroidism.

No nuclear power plants in NRW
Although there are no nuclear power plants in NRW, there is a great deal of concern here. The culprit is the breakdown series in nuclear reactors in neighboring Belgium. After several incidents, the Doel reactors near Antwerp and Tihange, some 70 kilometers from Aachen, are the subject of considerable controversy. They had already been shut down several times for safety reasons.

Iodine tablets for all pregnant women, nursing mothers and minors
According to the new recommendations, iodine tablets should now be kept in stock for all pregnant women, nursing mothers and minors nationwide. Previously, the recommendation was only for those in a 100-kilometer radius around nuclear power plants. In addition, all up to 45-year-olds are included in this close range in the prophylaxis.

More need of 21 million tablets
According to ministry data, NRW had in 2014, as the still only federal state, collected its contingent of iodine tablets from the federal central warehouses and distributed them to the communities. However, the new recommendations would have created an additional requirement of around 21 million tablets.

Cost of around 800,000 euros
As the spokeswoman explained, actually the federal government is responsible for the acquisition of the so-called iodine blockade. However, as this was not specifically active, the West German state had decided to procure the drug itself. According to the information, the costs would be around 800,000 euros. The country reserves the right to claim reimbursement. (Ad)