Family members of dementia patients need more support

Family members of dementia patients need more support / Health News
In Germany, around 1.5 million people suffer from dementia, most of whom have Alzheimer's disease. In many cases, those affected are looked after by relatives. This leads to enormous burdens of both financial and health nature. Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml wants more support for the caring relatives.
Care is a big burden
Many dementia patients are looked after by family members at home. For the helpers, this not only leads to financial losses, but sometimes also to health problems. Care is a heavy burden mentally and often leads to depression. But even with less dramatic effects, the helpers are dependent on help. According to a press release, a € 560,000 funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Health long-term study revealed that people with dementia must be supported more.

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Nurses need more support
These are the first results of a long-term study of those affected and their relatives in several Bavarian cities. Among other things, the so-called "Bavarian Dementia Survey" aims to gather information about the course and effects of dementia as well as about care in the home environment. The project will run until the end of 2017. Minister of Health Melanie Huml (CSU) explained: "One result is that relatives who have a family member with dementia at home need to be supported even more than before in this important and challenging task.

Dementia is often recognized late
"In addition, we were confirmed that an early diagnosis is crucial for improving the care situation and thus the quality of life of those affected and their relatives," said the politician. Time and again, medical experts warn that dementia is often recognized too late, thus minimizing treatment options. Ms Huml said: "My goal is to support people with dementia and their relatives through targeted measures and thus to sustainably improve their quality of life. The results confirm our Bavarian dementia strategy, but also point out where we need to readjust and what dementia patients and their relatives still need. "According to the information currently live in Bavaria about 220,000 people with dementia - and rising. (Ad)