Consume opened coffee pack quickly

Consume opened coffee pack quickly / Health News

Consume opened coffee pack within two weeks


Coffee is indispensable for many people. According to a survey of the coffee company „Starbucks“ For example, even 57 percent of respondents would rather forego sex for a week than for coffee. With milk or pure, strong or mild - for every coffee lover there is the corresponding hot drink. When storing the coffee, however, there is a lot to consider, because opened packs should not be stored too long.

Opened coffee pack Keep cool and dark
As the German Coffee Association in Hamburg reports, it is advisable to use the coffee best within two weeks. Opened packs would quickly lose their actual flavor and accept other unwanted flavors. A 250 gram pack would be used up by a four-person household within a week, explains Klaus Langen of the German Roasters Guild. Consumers could be guided by the smell of coffee, advises the expert. „If the coffee smells musty, the aroma is gone. Then it's high time to use up the pack.“

In general, coffee should be protected from light, humidity and oxygen, reports Langen. A tin with clip closure is best for this. It is also advisable to keep the coffee in a cool place. „You can put it in the fridge if it is too warm in the kitchen“, the expert recommends.

Coffee is healthy
Many people assume that coffee is a pity to health. But the opposite is the case. Recently, the Swedish Karolinksa Institute has found that regular coffee consumption reduces the risk of stroke by 25 percent. Scientists believe that "coffee reduces oxidative stress and improves insulin sensitivity".

On the 28th of september the seventh edition of the „Day of coffee“ instead of. Coffee lovers and those interested can find out all about their favorite drink nationwide on this day. „Numerous companies all over Germany are involved with small and large campaigns around the brown bean“, informs the German Coffee Association. (Ag)

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Picture: Peter Friday