Alleged news about deadly virus pathogens in strawberries from Egypt

Alleged news about deadly virus pathogens in strawberries from Egypt / Health News
Message persists: noroviruses in strawberries from Egypt
A chain letter is currently circulating at WhatsApp, warning against the purchase of strawberries from Egypt. These should be on sale at Aldi and other supermarkets. What's wrong with the message?

Warning about strawberries from Egypt
Many people using WhatsApp have recently received a message stating that they should not buy strawberries from Egypt at Aldi and other supermarkets because they contain a deadly virus. This message, which can also be read on other social platforms, has been published several times in the past year. Is this about so-called "fake news"?

In a chain letter on WhatsApp is currently being warned about the purchase of Egyptian strawberries at Aldi. The fruits are said to be deadly viruses. However, the report is based on a recall two years ago. (Picture: Missty /

Message from two years ago
"Buy at Aldi or other supermarkets no strawberries coming from Egypt, there is a deadly virus in it. Please do not buy. The news was said to continue. A deadly bacterium Ehek. Delivery comes from Egypt - Norovirus alarm! Aldi is recalling tons of strawberries ". (Spelling mistakes in the original)

This is the message that is currently circulating on WhatsApp. Combined is the message with the request "Please share!" And a link to an article in the magazine "Focus".

This link leads to a message from the year 2015. At that time was actually warned of a health hazard by norovirus in strawberries - but not before a deadly.

Serious health risk
At that time, the "Frost Import GmbH" had recalled frozen strawberries traded at Aldi Nord, as the products could be contaminated with Norovirus.

Norovirus infection typically causes severe diarrhea, nausea and vomiting in humans.

In addition, there is often a strong sense of malady with muscle and abdominal pain, occasionally with mild fever and headache.

According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), the severe refractive diarrhea "can quickly lead to a lack of fluid in the body, which can be noticeable by a pronounced weakness or dizziness". Most complaints resolve completely after one to two days.

In order to prevent infection with the dangerous noroviruses, attention must be paid to conscientious hygiene.

The recalled goods have not yet expired
One reason why the news is so persistent and still prevalent could be the best before date of frozen strawberries.

Affected by the recall were then the "Golden Fruit" strawberries, lot 150606, best before 28.04.2017 and "Golden Fruit" berry mixture, lot 150656, best before 05.05.2017.

The goods have not expired yet. However, one can assume in all likelihood that after the recall two years ago no contaminated goods in the German supermarkets.

Since the recall in 2015, there were no indications of further finds of noroviruses in strawberries from Egypt. (Ad)