Additional contributions at the AOK at the beginning of May?

Additional contributions at the AOK at the beginning of May? / Health News

Additional contribution: beginning of May partial increase at AOK? The statutory health insurance AOK wants in Saarland and in Rhineland-Palatinate, according to a report by the newspaper „Rheinische Post“ (RP) May possibly make additional contributions. Two health insurance funds, the BKK City and the BKK Heilberufe, are said to be facing a possible bankruptcy, according to press reports.

(24.04.2010)According to a report by the newspaper "Rheinische Post" (RP), the statutory health insurance AOK plans to make additional contributions in May in Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate. Two health insurance funds, the BKK City and the BKK Heilberufe, are said to be facing a possible bankruptcy, according to press reports. Should there be additional contributions, the members of the respective fund can make use of a special right of termination. It should already have been tons of layoffs in funds that have raised additional contributions.

Background for the collection of additional contributions is that the coffers have a financial hole of about four billion euros. Since March of this year, the members of some funds pay additional contributions. The funds are entitled to demand up to one percent of the income of the members for the additional contributions. That would be almost 40 euros. The amount seems to hold at the moment but at eight euros.

Control authority of the procedures is the Federal Insurance Office. The Rheinische Post also reported that the BKK City and the BKK Heilberufe have reported to them that a possible imbalance of the household is in the room, which could lead to bankruptcy. According to the sole announcement of an additional contribution, the BKK Heilberufe is said to have given 50,000 redundancies or membership withdrawals. That's almost a third of their total membership. The AOK Rheinland-Pfakz, however, reported that there is still no decision of the Board of Directors. It is necessary to introduce the additional contributions. (TF)

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Picture: A. Rausch,