Detecting later dominance at the finger length

Detecting later dominance at the finger length / Health News

At the finger length the dominance recognizes even before the puberty


The boy's finger length provides information on later masculine traits before adolescence. This is what scientists from the University of Vienna discovered in a study. Thus, certain features of masculinity are already established in the early life cycle.

Masculinity is already evident in childhood
A team of behavioral biologists from the University of Vienna examined the facial features of four- to eleven-year-old boys from Upper Austria. The researchers concluded that certain facial features of masculinity and dominance are determined early in the life cycle. Katrin Schäfer, head of the study, says that masculine facial features may be key to treating boys differently than those with soft, graceful features. The anthropologist further explains that a link between finger length and masculine facial features has so far only been produced in adult males. „Now we know that this relationship exists even before puberty.“

The aspect ratio of index and ring fingers is crucial
The so-called „2D: 4D ratio“, The length ratio of index finger and ring finger has long been used as a parameter to find out which hormones a child was exposed to in the womb. Is the ring finger relatively longer, so at a low „2D: 4D value“, this is a sign of a higher testosterone level.

The Viennese researchers could now prove on this basis that the relationship between masculinity and dominance indicating facial features and low „2D: 4D values“ not only for adults but already for little boys. The scientists point out that the social consequences still need to be investigated. The study was published in the journal „Proceedings of the Royal Society B“ released.

Study confirms gender stereotypes
Psychologists at the University of Konstanz even managed to establish a connection between occupational interest and prenatal hormone play last year. Therefore, a high testosterone level indicates an interest in technical objects and issues. Conversely, a low testosterone level indicates an increased interest in social occupations. According to researchers, the study results underscore the gender stereotypes of technically-minded men and socially engaged women.

Since the prenatal hormone level can not be measured directly, the study was also for this study „2D: 4D ratio“, the aspect ratio of index finger and ring finger, used. (Ag)

Picture: JMG