Ammen-Dornfinger poison spiders spread in Berlin and Brandenburg

Ammen-Dornfinger poison spiders spread in Berlin and Brandenburg / Health News
Ammen-Dornfinger: poison spider in Berlin on the rise
Climate change is causing plants and animals to settle in this country that were previously not native. The poison spider Ammen-Dornfinger is also such a case. The spider, which originates from the Mediterranean area, has spread for some time in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.

Climate change has an influence on flora and fauna
Climate change has ensured that the flora and fauna have changed in this country. So here are plants and animals to find that were not native to the past. This is partly associated with health risks. For example, according to experts, it is conceivable that the Asian bush mosquito in Germany could transmit infections in the future. "Immigrated" spiders could be dangerous now. Because in the region of Berlin-Brandenburg, the Ammen-Dornfinger has spread.

The nurse finger lives actually in the Mediterranean area. Meanwhile, the poison spider but also in the Berlin-Brandenburg region is widespread. Your poison can cause unpleasant consequences. (Image: Rainer Fuhrmann /

Poison spider in Berlin-Brandenburg on the rise
It is the only spider species in Central Europe, "which is able to penetrate the human skin with their jaw claws and inject their poison," writes the Naturschutzbund (NABU) Brandenburg on its website. The spider usually lives in the warm countries of the Mediterranean - meanwhile, according to a report of the "B.Z." but also in the Berlin-Brandenburg region on the rise. "Increasingly, one must expect to meet the Ammen-Dornfinger," said zoologist Julian Heiermann told the Berliner Blatt. "As a result of global warming, he has migrated from the Mediterranean to us," said the spider expert.

Spider retires in case of danger
The nurse's finger (Cheiracanthium punctorium) is found mainly on uncut meadows with tall grass and scrub. It is easy to recognize thanks to its special coloring: its front body is red-orange, the rear body more yellowish to olive green. His black claws are also noticeable. The animal is rather shy and retires in case of danger. But during the mating and maturing period of the eggs and juveniles, the females defend the web with great determination.

Similar to a wasp sting
According to NABU, the mixture of tissue and blood-damaging as well as neurotoxins causes unpleasant consequences; Persons with permanent damage or deaths, however, are not known. "Victims often compare the pain of the bite with that of a wasp sting. A short time later, a sharp pain appears at the bite site. Since the affected limbs can swell extremely, a doctor should be consulted under all circumstances, "the experts advise.

Do not cool wound
According to the information, fever, circulatory failure, dizziness, chills or vomiting rarely occur in addition to the pain. Allergic people can also have heart racing. The symptoms are usually completely gone after about three days, but the bite site may be swollen or reddened for a long time. Bitten people should not panic, keep calm and do not chill or scratch the wound. "If possible, you should capture the spider for exact identification and take it to the doctor." The experts advise, in the summer months rather to go "safe", not to brush through tall grass and not to open the hatchlings. (Ad)