Outpatient cancer therapies are restricted

Outpatient cancer therapies are restricted / Health News

In the future, outpatient cancer therapies will be restricted


A new decision may make it more difficult in the future to treat outpatient treatment of some cancer patients. Especially patients with bowel or stomach cancer are affected.

Patients with bowel or stomach cancer affected
According to the German Hospital Association (DKG), many cancer patients will be denied the option of outpatient treatment at hospitals in the future. „Many thousands of patients, especially those with bowel or stomach cancer, are denied the option of outpatient treatment by cancer specialists at hospitals“, said DKG CEO Georg Baum in a press release.

Herber regression for outpatient care
The reason for this assessment lies "in a new decision of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) of hospitals, doctors and clinics". With the decision, new rules have been introduced for the outpatient treatment of certain tumors of the abdominal cavity in clinics and medical practices. It is envisaged that appropriate treatment teams ensure a good supply. However, the DKG fears restrictions in the area of ​​outpatient treatment and tree criticizes: „Today's decision of the Joint Federal Committee represents a bitter step backwards for the outpatient medical care of cancer patients with statutory health insurance.“

Therapy of cancer patients not optimal
Only a few months ago, the AOK had determined that the therapy of many cancer patients may not be optimal. According to the Oncology Report 2013 of the AOK Rheinland / Hamburg, many cancer patients would not be treated in certified tumor centers, even though physicians have the greatest experience there with the disease. For colon cancer, for example, only one-third of patients received treatment in such a center. The report comes to the conclusion that a therapy in a certified tumor center, however, can significantly increase the chances of recovery. (Ad)

Image: Herbert Käfer