Alzheimer's due to herpes infection?

Alzheimer's due to herpes infection? / Health News

Alzheimer's due to herpes infection?

Viruses can possibly trigger dementia


Dementia is a disease that has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. Two thirds of all cases are Alzheimer's diseases. Researchers have therefore been investigating the causes of the incurable disease for decades. „Since Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia, the identification of a potentially treatable cause would be of great importance.“ Now they may have found a cause. According to recent studies by Umea University, herpes infections and the disease are related to Alzheimer's disease. The suspicion that Alzheimer's occurs as a result of infectious diseases and a concomitant weakening of the immune system, scientists have been around for some time. The study published in the journal Alzheimers and Dementia now confirms these assumptions.

Very high risk for herpes carriers
In several studies on the relationship between herpes simplex viral diseases and Alzheimer's, Professor Lövheim and his team came to the conclusion that the risk of Alzheimer's disease increases by a factor of four if those affected carry the herpes simplex virus. The trials tested just under 3,800 volunteers whose blood was taken approximately ten years before the diagnosis. It came to the striking result that the emergence of Alzheimer's is greatly increased in herpes infected.

Weak immune system in old age favors outbreak
According to the researchers, a weakened immune system in old age can contribute to the fact that the herpesviruses penetrate into the brain and there trigger the onset of Alzheimer's.
Nine out of ten Germans carry the virus. But that does not mean that nine out of ten infected people get the disease. Many carry the virus for a lifetime, without causing a herpes outbreak.

Alzheimer's therapy in the future?
Lövheim has high hopes for a possible treatment of Alzheimer's disease: "Our results clearly show that there is a connection between herpes simplex virus infections and the risk of developing Alzheimer's, which also means that we may have new ones Develop treatment methods to stop the disease. " Antiviral drugs could be used here. However, be here „Further studies ... required to gain knowledge of the mechanisms that determine the timeframe within which targeted antiviral therapy for herpes may potentially benefit individuals at risk of contracting Alzheimer's disease.“ (Jp)

Picture: Aka