Alzheimer's Amyloid deposits in the brain degradable by special antibodies

Alzheimer's Amyloid deposits in the brain degradable by special antibodies / Health News
New treatment for Alzheimer's successfully tested
For years researchers have been looking for ways to treat Alzheimer's disease. Again and again, alleged successes have been reported, but a real breakthrough has not been achieved so far. A possible treatment approach is the removal of harmful protein deposits in the brain of those affected with the help of certain drugs. In fact, it seems that an active substance has been found here that can reduce the harmful deposits of amyloid in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. The antibody Aducanumab has already shown its effectiveness in the first human clinical trials.

"The developed antibody Aducanumab leads to a significant decrease of the harmful beta-amyloid plaques in patients with early forms of Alzheimer's", according to the Communication of the University of Zurich (UZH). Together with scientists from the USA, Swiss researchers have investigated the use of aducanumab in Alzheimer's patients, with very convincing results. The researchers report on their study in the journal "Nature". Although the results of further ongoing studies are yet to be seen, the scientists hope to use the antibodies as medicines for Alzheimer's soon.

Degradation of amyloid deposits in the brain
Together with Cambridge-based US biotechnology company Biogen and other stakeholders, UZH researchers have tested the efficacy of aducanumab in 165 patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease in a Phase Ib clinical trial. The aim of the treatment was a reduction of the amyloid plaques, which are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease and are responsible for the gradual death of the brain cells. The one-year therapy with the antibody in the study virtually completely eliminated the beta-amyloid plaques in the patients' brain, reports the UZH.

The beta-amyloid plaques in the brain of Alzheimer's patients can be broken down by a special antibody. (Image: Juan Gärtner /

Improvement of clinical symptoms
The researchers have succeeded in demonstrating that "a human monoclonal antibody called aducanumab binds specifically to the disease-causing brain deposits, which leads to their removal by microglial cells," said the University of Zurich. In their study, the scientists also examined how the therapy affects the symptoms of the disease. For this purpose, standardized questionnaires were used, with which the cognitive abilities or everyday activities of the patients can be determined. According to Professor dr. med. Roger M. Nitsch from the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the UZH showed that Aducanumab "also gives good results for the clinical symptoms."

Loss of cognitive abilities mostly stopped
According to Prof. Nitsch, the effect of the antibody was impressive and the effect was dependent on the dosage and duration of the therapy. When the highest antibody dose was administered, virtually no beta-amyloid plaques were detectable after one year. In addition, the researchers found that the subjects in the placebo group worsened their mental abilities significantly, while they remained significantly more stable in the patients with the highest antibody dose. The loss of cognitive abilities was largely halted after one year of treatment with aducanumab compared to the placebo group, according to the UZH statement.

Ongoing clinical trials
In two large Phase III clinical trials, the safety and efficacy of the antibody is currently being further evaluated in a total of 2,700 volunteers with early onset Alzheimer's disease, reports the University of Zurich. In this regard, more than 300 participating centers in 20 North American, European and Asian countries are conducting investigations. "Working closely with regulators, we hope to provide effective treatments for Alzheimer's disease patients as soon as possible," said Alfred Sandrock in a statement from biotech company Biogen. (Fp)