Old recipe Healthy summer drink switchel

Old recipe Healthy summer drink switchel / Health News

Summer drink Switchel: Refreshment with ginger, apple cider vinegar and lemon

Do you know Switchel? Actually, the hip summer drink is old hat. Already in the 17th century, North American farmers strengthened after the strenuous hay harvest with a ginger vinegar lemonade. Thus, the drink with the interesting combination of sharpness and acidity came to his second name "Heumacher punch" (Haymakers Punch). It was a refreshment on hot days and made for a pleasant burn in the throat like a sip of whiskey.
Today, lemonade is a trend drink and is celebrated in the fitness scene for its healthy ingredients.

Energy drink swindle. Healthy through the day already in the morning.

The ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect and boosts the immune system, while the lemon provides the body with vitamin C. The apple cider vinegar provides important vitamins and minerals, stimulates the metabolism and digestion. Despite all the advantages, the lemonade is a "miracle drink", as some advertising promises, but far away.

If you want to make Switchel yourself, you only need a few ingredients. First, peel a large ginger root, cut it into chunks and boil it with six cups of water for one to two minutes. Then let it rest for 20 minutes. Now every half a cup of naturally cloudy apple cider vinegar and freshly squeezed lemon juice is added. It gets sweeter with a spoonful of maple syrup or honey. Finally, stir the Switchel vigorously, pour through a sieve into a glass and enjoy chilled with ice cubes.

For other variants, imagination is needed. It gets fruity, for example, with a splash of orange juice or strawberry puree and lime juice. You can also decorate the classic switchel with a slice of lemon and herbs such as basil and rosemary. A few colorful fruits such as currant and blueberries in the glass are a nice eye-catcher. Heike Kreutz, bzfe