Old home remedy Oatmeal rediscovered as a healing medicine

Old home remedy Oatmeal rediscovered as a healing medicine / Health News

University of Würzburg: Oatmeal as a panacea for type 2 diabetes?

Those who suffer from diabetes have to organize their daily lives well. Scientists at the University of Würzburg have now developed a new concept for coping with the disease. Oats should play a decisive role here.

Oat is a superfood

Health experts know: Oats are a veritable superfood. The inconspicuous oatmeal, which is often eaten in the morning, have it all. If plants can also alleviate or even cure symptoms, they are also called medicinal plants. The seed oat (Avena sativa) provides several, very different active ingredients. Its range of uses extends from the treatment of the skin via gastrointestinal diseases to the prevention of arteriosclerosis and type 2 diabetes mellitus, explains Johannes Gottfried Mayer from the study group.

Quark with berries and oatmeal provides the body with many important nutrients. (Image: julijadmi / fotolia.com)

"With oats, it's particularly important to have a special type of fiber called beta-glucans," says Mayer, head of the Klostermedizin research group at the Institute for the History of Medicine at the University of Würzburg. "Beta-glucans prevent a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. This is particularly interesting for people who suffer from type II diabetes, "the expert continues.

Oatmeal can relieve diabetes

Studies suggest that insulin-dependent diabetics with two oat days per month may reduce their insulin requirements by one-third. According to the research, this effect lasts about two to three weeks. "To taste, I like oats best when you buy a flake machine and prepare the flakes fresh each time. Then it has a completely different flavor ", emphasizes Mayer. These grains can be purchased in well-stocked organic shops.

The oats are - like wheat, rye or barley - to the Süßgräsern. In contrast to the relatives mentioned, however, it does not develop its grains in ears but in many-branched panicles. Therefore, an oat plant provides less yield and is harder to harvest. In addition, husks surround the grains and must be removed during processing by special grinding operations.

The medicinal plant also has advantages: it thrives on barren soil and in regions with high rainfall. In terms of nutritional value and, last but not least, flavor, oats are superior to other cereals, according to Mayer.

The oat provides three different remedies: In addition to the oat straw gain recent study herb and grain according to study. The oat straw is used for baths, which are to help with skin injuries and itching.

For the use of the herb, the oats are harvested before it is flowering. The herb is rich in anti-inflammatory flavonoids and immunomodulatory saponins and has a high content of minerals like potassium, calcium or magnesium. Extracts of oat grass are used in atopic dermatitis. According to the study, up to 20 percent of children and 3 percent of adults in the industrialized countries suffer from this disease. In the 1990s, a particularly suitable white oat variety was obtained in France, which is free of proteins, including gluten. Corresponding skincare products such as creams, body milk and bath additives are particularly well tolerated by allergy sufferers.

Oatmeal changes blood lipid levels positively. Image: Timmary - fotolia

The fruit, the oat grain, is used as a fully ripe grain. In addition to a high content of vitamins B1 and B6, it also provides a lot of fiber. Of particular interest are the beta-glucans, which make up about half of the total fiber content in oats. Oat beta-glucans have effects on the digestive tract and metabolism, with a positive effect on cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The European Food Safety Authority confirmed in 2011 that eating beta-glucan from oats can help reduce cholesterol levels, the researchers said.

"4.5 grams of beta-glucan per 100 grams of oats, for example, preserve the mucous membrane of the digestive tract," says Silke Restemeyer of the German Nutrition Society. "In addition, beta-glucan probably binds bile acids and promotes their excretion, so the body has to resort to cholesterol to make new bile acids." Therefore, it can be observed that the cholesterol level goes down with the consumption of oats.

Scientific studies confirm healing power

This was also shown by a metastudy in Canada. The scientists compared 58 clinical trials with nearly 4,000 study participants. They found that oats had an impact on two other cholesterol levels: HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B (apoB). Oat contains the fiber beta-glucan, which is probably responsible for the positive effects. In a diet enriched with approximately 3.5 grams of oat beta-glucan per day, the scientists observed a slight improvement in the three cholesterol levels. For the meta-analysis 58 clinical studies with almost 4,000 study participants were analyzed.

Sahra Weidner, the famous cook from Hanover, swears by the oatmeal. It gives the advice to consume the flakes with milk or orange juice as well as fresh fruits in the morning. That makes you full, happy and healthy. (Sb)