Alternative grilling with vegetables and tofu

Alternative grilling with vegetables and tofu / Health News

Alternative grilling with vegetables and tofu instead of meat


If you often use vegetables and tofu instead of meat during grilling, you can do something good not only for your health but also for the environment. Vegetable production is much less damaging to the environment than meat production.

Production of meat pollutes the environment

Everywhere you can smell the fact that many people prepare their food outdoors on the grill. Grill friends who want to behave animal and climate friendly, it is best to vegetables instead of meat on the grid. Because the production of meat pollutes the environment in terms of water consumption and carbon dioxide emissions far more than by vegetable production. In addition, the attitude of the slaughter cattle is often not appropriate to the species, as the Federal Association for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany (BUND) according to a dpa message announced.

Vegetables for meatless grilling

For meatless grilling, for example, corn on the cob, stuffed mushrooms or small cut vegetables such as zucchini, carrots and peppers, which are cooked in a stainless steel bowl. So that the vegetables do not burn on the grid, it should be oiled. Delicious recipes and instructions for vegetarian grilling can be found on various websites.

Grill food based on vegetable protein is another meat-free alternative. Meanwhile, even in conventional supermarkets ready packs of sausages or burgers from soy, wheat or lupine for the BBQ party.

Tofu for the spit

Although consumers are discouraging initiative to eat them more often because they are heavily processed foods that often need to be made with additives, there are alternative products that do not. Comparatively little processed is pure tofu. The initiative recommends using grilled tofu for grilling, which should be sliced ​​or diced for a spit for a few hours in a mixture of oil, herbs and spices.

Something good for the health

Maybe more people will find their way to a vegetarian or vegan diet. They would do something good for their health. As renowned nutritionists say, people who eat vegan are less likely to be overweight or obese. Vegans also have a reduced risk of lifestyle diseases such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus due to their low-fat and low-cholesterol diet. (Ad)

Picture: twinlili