As a wrap, mask or health drink healing clay is versatile

As a wrap, mask or health drink healing clay is versatile / Health News
Versatile healing clay helps as a wrap or mask
Healing earth is a millennia-old natural remedy. Externally, for example as a mask or wrap, the healing earth is used as a "miracle weapon" against skin problems. The inconspicuous mud is also used internally and helps against various diseases, especially in the gastrointestinal area.

Wonder weapon of nature
Although a healing earth mask may not look appealing at first glance, the ancient Egyptians already knew about the positive effects of bathing in the healing earth. The inconspicuous-looking mud is a true wonder weapon of nature. Uta Schlossberger, dermatologist in Cologne, said in a message from the news agency dpa: "Heilerde is a mineral powder that is extracted from loess deposits from the Ice Age." The exact composition of the earth varies depending on the mining area.

Healing earth can heal. Image: PhotoSG - fotolia

Healing earth consists essentially of natural minerals such as silicate, calcite, dolomite and feldspar and elements bound in it such as silicon, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and sodium as well as the trace elements copper, manganese, nickel, selenium and zinc. It is commercially available in powder form today. The effect should be the more effective, the finer it is ground. The natural remedy is also offered by some manufacturers in the form of ready-to-use pastes or capsules.

Proven home remedy for various skin problems
As a mask, the healing earth finds its most common use in this country. "Thanks to its antibacterial effect and because it removes harmful substances, bacteria and talc from the skin during drying, it is a miracle weapon against pimples and eczema," explained Schlossberger. "Mix two tablespoons of the powder with a tablespoon of water to a thick paste, apply, let dry and rinse with plenty of water," beautician Heike Kaufmann from Siegen explained the application. Although healing clay is often used as a home remedy for acne or as a home remedy for boils, but it is not suitable for all people equally. Because it removes moisture from the skin, people with dry skin should better use other products. "After each application, the skin should be creamed," Kaufmann recommends. She advises products of related substances such as hyaluron.

Versatile application options
The applications of healing clay are extremely versatile. "Anyone who suffers from atopic dermatitis, which can help the glacial loess, because the active ingredients contained therein reduce the itching," said Kaufmann. This is best suited to a wrap, in which the paste is painted on the skin and then wrapped tightly with a damp linen cloth. Also against cellulite healing clay is used because it promotes blood circulation.

The natural product can help as a home remedy for sunburn. "The paste relieves the pain thanks to its cooling effect. At the same time, the blood circulation in the burned area of ​​the skin is stimulated, "explained Schlossberger. Simone Schulze, a member of the Association of Cosmetic Professional, added: "As a wrap or full bath she helps in muscle tension, abdominal pain and even in rheumatism and osteoarthritis." Schlossberger warned: "But attention: In tendon disease or varicose veins, a warm healing clay wrap is not conducive . "

Internal application is no less effective
Although the inner application of healing clay is less well-known than the outer one, it is also very effective. Researchers from the Berlin University Hospital Charité have found in a study that healing earth relieves irritable bowel syndrome.

But the powder can do more. You can take healing earth, for example, as a capsule or as a drink. For this dissolve a level teaspoon in a glass of water or tea. The taste, however, takes some getting used to. "When used internally, healing clay helps fight heartburn, indigestion or gastrointestinal diseases because of the carbonate salts," explained Schlossberger. However, the use of healing clay for disorders of renal function, acute diarrhea or fever is prohibited. One should always follow the instructions for use.

Rügen healing chalk with similar effect
As the dpa reports, the Rügen healing chalk should also achieve similar healing effects. It is limestone, which is obtained at the foot of the chalk cliffs. "It consists of trays and housings of the smallest organisms and contains minerals and trace elements that have accumulated over millions of years," explained Schulze. The chalk removes - as well as the healing earth - the skin dirt and talc and help against oily skin and acne. "Because the chalk is only dissolved in water, but similar to school chalk, I recommend enriching it with creamy components," says Schulze. In natural medicine, the Rügen healing chalk is used, inter alia, sciatica. The chalk is applied in the form of a so-called chalk bath - for this it is placed in 38 to 40 degrees warm bath water, in which 20 minutes bathing, followed by warm showering and in the preheated bed for about half an hour nachgeschwitzt. (Ad)