Allianz reissue of AktiMed tariffs

Allianz Krankenversicherung: Reissue of AktiMed rates
After the "AktiMed" full insurance tariff series issued by Allianz Private Krankenversicherung was declared illegal by the Federal Administrative Court in June, the private health insurance alliance has re-calculated it and is now putting it back on the market.
AktiMed introduced in 2007 as a new workhorse
In February 2007, Allianz Private Health Insurance had the tariff series „AktiMed“ introduced as a new driver in the field of full insurance. The insurance company has since focused its full insurance business on the new tariffs and has closed most of the other offers in the respective segments. The third largest private health insurer in Germany had lost market share for a long time in full insurance and hoped to regain it with the AktiMed tariffs.
Financial supervision BaFin sued the Alliance and got right
However, the BaFin Financial Supervisory Authority was critical of the "AktiMed" tariff right from the start. Although the insurance offer was significantly cheaper than the old rates of Allianz health insurance, but demanded from a sharp increase in the number of customers additional risk surcharges. For old customers from other tariffs, who wanted to take advantage of their exchange right, regardless of their state of health was a so-called „Tariff structure surcharge "(usually 20 percent), which Allianz justified with another calculation of the new tariffs, in which BaFin saw a breach of the exchange law and sued Allianz Private Health Insurance, whereupon in June 2010 the Federal Administrative Court of BaFin ruled in the final instance For example, the insurance company was forced to withdraw AktiMed from the market and reshape the tariff series according to the court's requirements, but since most of its other full insurance tariffs had been discontinued, Allianz Private Health was unable and unwilling to provide alternatives to most customer groups Accordingly, for a few months unable to participate in the competition for the voluntarily insured and fully insured.
Allianz back in business
With the revised calculation, this self-inflicted forced break now has an end. However, the AktiMed tariffs in the context of the recalculation on average have become more expensive by twelve percent, on the other hand, the risk premiums are largely gone and on the „Tariff structure surcharges“ waives the insurance completely. The increase in the expected cost development of the health care system is already taken into account, said the CEO of Allianz private health insurance, Maximilian Zimmerer. The old customers, which were the cause of the BAFin lawsuit, are reimbursed for the tariff structure surcharges wrongly collected by Allianz. However, private insurance did not want to give more details about the sums reimbursed, the number of AktiMed customers or the new calculation model. It is crucial that she „With the tariff series AktiMed (...) again a full insurance protection for all customer groups“ offer Allianz boss Maximilian Zimmerer. (fp, 19.10.2010)
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