Allergic reactions to dentures

Dentures: Keep information about the materials used because of allergy risk
A new dentures can cause an allergic reaction, and the risk increases with the number of materials used, the Trustees perfect dentures (CPC) reported in a recent press release. The information on the dental materials used should therefore keep the patients well. Over 20,000 different allergy triggers are known and „Materials used in dentures may be included“, explained the head of the scientific advisory board of the KpZ, Professor Hans-Christoph Lauer.
As a dental prosthesis and therefore the materials used often remain for years or even decades in the mouth, the experts recommend the CPC, the information on the dentures, which are handed out to patients with the so-called declaration of conformity, well-kept. „It happens that a patient has up to twenty different materials in his mouth. This increases the risk of an allergic reaction“, emphasized Professor Jürgen Geis-Gerstorfer, member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the KpZ. It can form sores and eczema in the mouth, accompanied by painful mouthburn.
Declaration of conformity must be handed out
The experts at the KpZ report that modern dentistry and dental technology today use a wide range of different materials „Glues, cements and impression materials on plastics and ceramics to amalgam, gold, titanium and alloys (mixtures of different metals)“ rich. However, with the variety of materials used, not only have the treatment options improved, but the risk of an allergic reaction has also increased. Who suffers from a known allergy, should therefore his „To notify the dental practice prior to therapy of critical materials or medicines“, so the hint of the KpZ. With the help of the declaration of conformity it can also be determined afterwards which materials are already in the mouth of the patient. According to KpZ, dentists are obligated to hand over the declaration of conformity to their patients at the end of treatment at the end of treatment.
Allergic reactions due to metalmix in the patient's mouth
On the basis of the declarations of conformity „The dentist will then follow up with subsequent dental work, which materials are already used“, explained Professor Geis-Gerstorfer. This is particularly important, for example, when various metallic materials have already been used and others are to be used. Because „Alloys can differ electrochemically“ and in the mouth arises „metal mix“, which may lead to incompatibilities, reports the CPZ. As a well-tolerated dental material, the experts recommend ceramics: „All-ceramic looks deceptively similar to natural tooth enamel and is considered to be particularly bio-compatible.“ However, ceramic is also expensive and is usually only partially funded by the statutory health insurance. In any case, patients should discuss the topic of materials openly in their dental office prior to therapy, as suggested by the KpZ. (Fp)
Image: Tobias Bräuning