Alcohol abuse Many children passively suffer from drinking their parents
Studies have shown that the later alcohol consumption of children is influenced by the parents. Even in childhood, the offspring suffer from the consequences of alcohol abuse of parents. Experts in this context speak of "passive drinking".
Alcohol consumption harms the health
It has long been known that alcohol increases the risk of many diseases such as high blood pressure, fatty liver or various cancers. In addition, he can make dependent. Actually, parents and their offspring should address the proper handling of beer, schnapps and Co early on, but many are not able to do so because they themselves suffer from alcoholism. Your children then suffer from so-called "passive drinking".
Two million children from families with alcohol problems
According to the German National Center for Addiction Issues (DHS), one to two million children in families with alcohol problems grow up and are at risk of developing, reports the news agency dpa.
In addition, every fifth to sixth pregnant women at least occasionally drink alcohol and that, although in pregnancy even a glass can be dangerous to the health of the offspring.
But not only children in addiction families are affected as passive drinkers: Under the influence of alcohol also happen numerous crimes and accidents that claim many victims.
In 2015, a total of 256 people died on the streets because drivers had drunk too much alcohol. Relatives and rescuers are also affected by the consequences.
More commitment against alcohol abuse required
As it says in the dpa message, the DHS sees the term passive drinking as a counterpart to passive smoking as justified, even if health consequences usually do not directly refer to the active ingredient alcohol in the body.
"Passively affected by alcohol consumption can be found in almost all areas of life again," said DHS CEO Raphael Gaßmann.
The expert puts the health damage caused by alcohol at around 40 billion euros per year.
The DHS is called upon to increase the cost of alcohol consumption through higher taxes, to consistently expand access to 18 years and to ban sales outside restaurants at night. (Ad)