Alcohol is underestimated by most people

Alcohol is underestimated by most people / Health News

Federal Center for Health Education: Alcohol is underestimated by most people


According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA), the health risk of alcohol consumption is still underestimated by most people in Germany. In contrast to the public debate not only teens drink into a coma, but also more and more adults. Since 2000, emergency medical cases have doubled.

The rate of hospitalizations due to alcohol habit has increased significantly in recent years. More and more adolescents and adults had to be treated with emergency medicine in a clinic because of alcohol poisoning. The numbers have grown steadily in all age groups, emphasizes the Federal Center on the occasion of World Drug Day on Sunday. Accordingly, not only more and more young people are drinking into a coma, but also more and more adults.

The numbers in the overview
In 2000, in the age group of 10 to 20 years still 9500 emergency supplies were counted. In 2009, there were already 26,000 patients who had to be hospitalized. In middle-aged adults (40-50 years) twice as many emergencies were counted with 25,000 patients.

More and more people regularly take dangerous amounts of alcohol. The Federal Central Office states the figure with 9.5 million Germans between 18 and 65 years of age. About 1.3 million people are therefore considered dependent on alcohol. "Alcohol is a cytotoxin that can damage almost all organs in the body and cause, for example, myocardial and cancerous diseases." In Germany alone, around 200 people die each day as a result of their alcohol abuse ", warned the head of the Federal Central Office, Prof. Elisabeth Pott in one Interview. Severe illnesses such as stroke and heart attack are the result.

Many are unaware of the danger
Most people are unaware of the health hazard. Alcohol consumption is socially recognized and children learn the consumption mostly through the home. Even small quantities can permanently lead to serious health problems. The Federal Center for Health Education therefore recommends abstinence or restricted consumption of not more than 12 grams (one glass of beer) or not more than 24 grams in men (two glasses of beer). In addition, consumption should not exceed 5 days a week to allow the body to regenerate. (Sb)

Also read:
Millions of Germans drink too much alcohol
Alcohol increases the risk of cancer
Alcohol damages 10,000 children every year

Photo credit: Wandersmann