Alaska and Oregon have legalized cannabis

Alaska and Oregon have legalized cannabis / Health News

Alaska and Oregon yesterday legalized cannabis by referendum


After the US states Alaska and Oregon have legalized by referendum yesterday cannabis, the German hemp association expects in this country with tailwind.

DHV spokesman Georg Wurth said: "Now that the initiatives in Alaska and Oregon have passed smoothly, the pace of development will accelerate, with two more states legalizing more US cannabis legally throughout the US And the legalization in Colorado and Washington two years ago was a dam burst, now the dominoes start to fall. "

Besides Alaska and Oregon, there were other polls on cannabis in the US yesterday. In Washington DC, nearly 70 percent voted for legal self-cultivation! Under this rule, Obama is now expected to grow 6 cannabis plants for himself and his state guests in the White House. In Florida, for the first time in a conservative Southern state, there was a majority for cannabis as medicine. However, the required 60 percent were not achieved. Further votes to decriminalize cannabis users were also successful.

The German Hanfverband has asked for the current opinion of the Germans on drug policy. According to infratest dimap, there is still no majority in Germany for comprehensive legalization. But a clear majority believes the war on drugs has failed and over 80 percent want to facilitate access to cannabis as medicine. After all, 30 percent are already in favor of specialist shops such as in Colorado, including 25 percent of CDU supporters. Wurth calls on the federal government to finally facilitate access to medical cannabis and provide reimbursement through the health insurance companies.

In addition, applications for scientific model projects on cannabis donation, as expected from Berlin and Frankfurt, should be examined favorably. Thus, the effects of legal structures could be investigated spatially and temporally. (Pm)

Picture: Susanne Schmich