Acupuncture effective in pregnancy depression

Acupuncture effective in pregnancy depression / Health News

Study: Acupuncture effective in pregnancy depression

American researchers have published a study according to which acupuncture is effective in pregnancy-related depression. Thus, the method could represent an unburdening alternative to drugs.

Pregnancy-related depression is a burden on women, their families and the social environment. Up to 14 percent of pregnant women can report the symptoms. Because the mother does not want to burden the organism of the child with strong chemical medicines as far as possible, the search for harmless methods, especially in the field of naturopathy, for the treatment of symptoms runs at full speed. Now it seems as if American researchers have discovered a new option in treatment.

The scientists from the Universities of Stanford, Texas, California and Arizona published their findings in the journal „Obstretics and Gynecology“ (March 2010 Volume 115 Issue 3 511-520 doi: 10.1097 / AOG.0b013e3181cc0816).
They took over eight weeks for their study the data of 150 women with gestational depression. Of the women, who were all between the 12th and 30th week, 49 of them were each treated with massages or sham acupuncture and 52 of them with a real acupuncture treatment. While mock acupuncture and massage showed improvements of 44.3 percent, the true acupuncture treatment was ahead with 63 percent.
The scientists around Rachel Anber from the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Stanford University, USA, believe that acupuncture should be included in the concept of treatment models of the problem in the future. In contrast to antidepressants, acupuncture does not expect any serious further effects in the body. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 28.02.2010)

To read more:
Abstract of the study
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