Acupuncture helpful in heart failure

Acupuncture helpful in heart failure / Health News

Study: Acupuncture relieves discomfort in heart failure


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture may improve stress and heart rate variability in patients with heart failure. This proves a clinical study of the University Hospital in Heidelberg on the subject „Acupuncture in heart failure“. Targeted needles of specific acupuncture points direct the nervous system „quiet tracks“ and thus inhibits inflammation.

Traditional Chinese medicine is increasingly echoing in conventional medicine. Effort and costs are generally low, but the sphere of influence is all the greater. For some time, health professionals have observed that just a few acupuncture sessions are enough to improve the performance of heart failure patients. After the applications, the sufferers notice u.a. less discomfort during physical activity. Dr. Christian Schmincke, Head of the Clinic at Steigerwald, general practitioner and TCM expert, knows about the effectiveness of the Far Eastern method: „Applied specifically, acupuncture promises a lasting improvement in symptoms in mild to severe, acute and chronic diseases.“ After a session with acupuncture needles, most patients feel less exhausted after physical exertion and recover faster. In addition, acupuncture promotes the general well-being of those affected. Decisive for the success of treatment is a detailed Chinese diagnosis before starting treatment. Here, pulse and tongue diagnostics help to organize the finest body signals and use them for therapy. In pulse diagnostics alone, experts distinguish about 30 pulse qualities. The tongue shows if and how the body of „internal waste“ freed. After detailed diagnostics, the individual therapy begins.

Chronic heart failure is one of the most common fatalities in Europe. The patients usually suffer from severe shortness of breath and are quickly tired after physical exertion. (Sb)

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