Current research in homeopathy

Current research in homeopathy / Health News

Current research in homeopathy


Everything just placebo? For ten years, all well-reviewed reviews on homeopathy come to the conclusion that homeopathy is a placebo treatment. A statement that is repeatedly repeated by the media, as in the summer of 2010 from the mirror. Rainer Lüdtke (Diploma statistician, Carstens Foundation) says in his speech on June 3 during the Homeopathy Congress of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) in Aachen, „that you can and must read the current research results differently“. Lüdtke gives an overview of the latest international research results and shows that the picture that draws the science of homeopathy, is much more differentiated than often shown. „A blanket rejection of the method is from a scientific point of view just as unstable as general promises of salvation“, is his conclusion.

The annually held congress of the DZVhÄ is the culmination of the medical homeopathy further education and meeting place of all, which deal with the topic homeopathy. The 161th annual conference of the DZVhÄ from 2 to 4 June in the Euro-gress Aachen is under the heading „Homeopathy limitless? Borderline experiences of medical homeopathy in science and practice“. (Pm)