Acne from 30 pimples plague many adults - Better not express!

Acne from 30 pimples plague many adults - Better not express! / Health News

Why some people still get pimples as adults

Pimples in adolescence know most adolescents. But many people over the age of 30 or more are still plagued by blackheads and pimples. As with the adolescent, hormonal changes often play a role - but their triggers are sometimes difficult to determine.

According to Dr. Kristin Technau-Hafsi, Senior Physician at the Department of Dermatology and Venereology at the University Medical Center Freiburg, can play both genetic predisposition and hormones or hormone-like substances a triggering role in acne in adulthood. This affects both men and women, the expert said in a recent press release from the University Hospital. But external influences often play a role. For example, sometimes only the wrong sunscreen is the trigger.

Even adults often suffer from pimples. (Image: Ocskay Bence /

Clogged sebaceous glands of the trigger

Pimples are caused by clogging of the ducts in the so-called sebaceous glands and the greasier the skin, the more active are the sebaceous glands, which increases the risk of blackheads and pimples. Acne-like changes in adulthood can also be caused by external factors such as prolonged or regular contact with oils, tar, pitch or chlorine, explains Dr. med. Technau-Hafsi. The result is a so-called "professional acne" (because the contact with the substances usually takes place in a professional environment), which occurs more on the arms and face.

Even sunscreen sometimes causes pimples

Some people do not tolerate a single sunscreen product, and in combination with exposure to the sun, pimples on the face, décolletage, upper arms and back can occur. According to the expert, this is known as "Mallorca acne", which is accompanied by an annoying and sometimes very itchy rash. It forms a sub-form of polymorphic light dermatosis, which is also referred to as "sun allergy". Their occurrence is to be expected from the spring, in the summer, the peak is reached and the fall slowly flattening the symptoms slowly back, so the message from the University of Freiburg.

Hormonal fluctuations

With changes in the hormone levels in the body, pimples are a relatively common accompanying symptom. The hormonal fluctuations can be triggered for example by a pregnancy, the discontinuation of the anti-baby pill or even various drugs. These drugs include cortisone and antidepressants.

Medication and stress as a pimple trigger

"Anyone who has to take cortisone preparations or antidepressants for an extended period of time may experience skin problems as a side effect," Dr. Technau-Hafsi. Also, some drugs used for tumor therapy (called EGF receptor blockers) would often provoke an acne-like skin rash on the upper body. In addition, the skin often react negatively to stress, because then more male hormones are produced, which stimulate the sebaceous glands.

When to the doctor?

According to the Freiburg expert, adults who suffer from severe or prolonged acne on the face, on the décolleté or on the back should consult a dermatologist. This could clarify the cause and create an individual therapy concept.

Do not express pimples

By expressing the pimples sufferers should generally refrain; Since this usually only leads to a deterioration of the entire skin, Dr. Kristin Technau-Hafsi. Scarring and pigmentation as well as deeper skin inflammations are possible consequences. After the visit to the specialist, however, it might be advisable to seek additional treatment from a medical beautician.

Natural remedy can often also offer various home remedies for pimples, which range from herbal ingredients on healing earth and zinc ointment to relaxation methods for stress reduction. But first, the reason for the occurrence of acne should be clarified before proceeding on their own against the skin irritation. (Fp)