Aids warning HIV new infections in older people have risen sharply again

Aids warning HIV new infections in older people have risen sharply again / Health News
Every sixth HIV diagnosis affects people over the age of 50 years
The number of HIV diagnoses in Europe has risen significantly in people over the age of 50, according to a recent study. Every sixth new diagnosis, according to researchers from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), affects people in this age group. Overall, the HIV epidemic remains a major public health issue in the 31 countries of the European Union and the European Economic Area with around 30 000 newly diagnosed new infections per year.

The current study shows that while the rate of newly registered HIV cases in Europe remained constant among young people between 2004 and 2015, there was a year-on-year increase of approximately 2% among older people. "The study's findings suggest that the HIV epidemic is moving in new directions, possibly as a result of low awareness of the disease," said the ECDC. The study was published in the journal "The Lancet HIV".

One in six new HIV diagnoses affects people over the age of 50, and often the infection is detected late in life. The active provision of increased HIV testing and targeted prevention for this age group are therefore needed. (Gamjai /

More than 300,000 HIV diagnoses evaluated
For the current study, all HIV diagnoses reported to the ECDC from 2004 to 2015 were evaluated. Thus, a total of 312,501 new HIV diagnoses were found in younger adults (15 to 49 years) in the EU and the European Economic Area, corresponding to an average of 11.4 diagnoses per 100 000 population. In addition, there were 54,102 HIV new diagnoses in adults over the age of 50 over the 12-year period (2.6 diagnoses per 100,000 population)..

17 percent of new diagnoses affect the elderly
According to the scientists, the number of new diagnoses among older people has increased significantly. Since 2004 (3,132 HIV diagnoses among over-50s), the rate of new diagnoses in this age group has increased by 2% per year and in 2015 there were 5,076 reported infections among over-50s, accounting for 17 percent of the new diagnosis corresponded. "The increase in new HIV diagnoses in older adults points to the urgent need to raise awareness among health care providers for this age group and to provide more targeted prevention for the entire adult population," the study authors emphasize.

Often a diagnosis is delayed
The results of the study also show that heterosexual transmission is the main pathway of infection among older people infected with HIV, whereas younger adults are primarily infected with homosexual men. In addition, the elderly are often diagnosed with the disease very late, which brings considerable difficulties in the treatment, the scientists report. With timely diagnosis and early treatment, most infected people may well lead an almost normal life, but if the damage to the immune system is already advanced, the disease often leads to premature death.

Improve access to HIV testing
According to the scientists, 63 percent of older adults were diagnosed late, based on the number of so-called CD4 cells. Thus, a value of less than 350 cells per microliter of blood is said to be a late diagnosis; less than 200 CD4 cells per microliter have advanced HIV disease. According to this definition, 53 percent of all infections were detected early on across all age groups. For the elderly, however, there seems to be a problem in many countries with access to HIV testing and counseling, the researchers explain.

Offer tests actively
A key factor in the early diagnosis of HIV infection among older adults is, according to the researchers, "the active offering of an HIV test by health care providers", which could be linked to specific health conditions. This was "a very effective and promising approach" to reach older adults. In addition, offering a self-test could be a valuable adjunct and could also contribute to the normalization of HIV testing among older people and the adult population as a whole.

Sensitize the medical profession
Last but not least, the RKI epidemiologist Barbara Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, co-author of the study, said: "The medical profession needs to be sensitized to the issue, even in rural areas," a contribution by the news portal "WeltN24". For example, an HIV test should also be performed if there are unspecific symptoms such as increased susceptibility to infection or weight loss. Overall, in particular, the range of tests for older adults has to be significantly improved, the researchers concluded.

According to the researchers, an increasing number of new HIV diagnoses were found not only in people over the age of 50, but also in homosexual men and drug users who inject the substances into their bodies. (Fp)