Aggressive children thanks to soft drinks?
Make soft drinks children aggressive?
Whether cola, sprite or orange soda: Especially because of the high sugar content, soft drinks are so popular with children. But the high sugar content in them not only harms the body in a proven way, but also promotes aggressive behavior.
Researchers from three American universities came to this conclusion. In total, they evaluated the data of 2,929 children over the age of five. The focus was on aggression behavior, ability to concentrate and general social behavior. It has long been known from previous studies that these beverages increasingly cause depression and even suicidal thoughts in adolescents. Overall, 52 percent of the subjects were boys. Forty-three percent of them drank a glass of soda every day. Four percent even drank four or more glasses. A control group drank only water.
Soft drinks increase aggression and reduce attention
University of Columbia study director Shakira Suglia noted that with each glass of more lemonade, the number of points in the test for aggressive behavior increased. In children who drank much of the sweet shower, vandalism and aggressive behavior were more pronounced than others. Attention was also lower.
However, it is unclear to the authors of the study whether these results can be attributed solely to high levels of sugar, caffeine or additives such as aspartame and phosphoric acid. Because too low a sugar level can increase the aggression potential. In addition, the fact that the mothers were questioned about the behavior of their children is considered to be scientifically flawed. So it can not be ruled out whether the results really are subject to scientific objectivity, or are just feelings of the mothers. The researchers have also made no detailed information on the amount of drinking. The portions could all have been different. Conclusion: Now, in further studies, the exact connection between the behavior and the consumption of soft drinks has to be investigated in order to be able to make a scientifically unambiguous statement. However, the current study provides strong evidence that these relationships exist. (Fr)
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Picture credits: motograf