African swine spreads near the German border

African swine spreads near the German border / Health News

African swine fever in Belgium - high risk of spreading towards Germany

On 13 September 2018, the Belgian authorities confirmed that African swine fever was detected in wild boar in the area of ​​Étalle in Belgium. The finds are only about 60 kilometers from the German border. The risk of the disease spreading to Germany is considered high by the Federal Research Center for Animal Health (FLI). German farmers are currently on alert.

As the FLI reports, the vast distances between cases suggest that the disease spreads not only to wild boars, but also to humans. The Institute strongly advises against bringing pig-derived products such as sausages or ham from affected areas. Furthermore, wild boars found dead should immediately be reported to the local veterinary authority, advises the FLI in a press release on the Belgian finds.

In the tri-border region between Belgium, France and Luxembourg, African swine fever was detected in wild boar. The locality is only 60 kilometers from the German border. (Prochym / fotolia)

Highest alert

Dangerous swine fever on the rise: notes and posters on the Belgian border and at service areas warn of the high danger of spreading. Although African swine fever (ASP) is not a danger to consumers, humans can contribute significantly to spreading the virus. Since there are no vaccines or treatments for ASP, the disease must be contained by restricted areas and targeted wild boar hunts. If the viruses reach a pig farm, all animals must be slaughtered. This could pose an existential threat to pig farmers.

Pig farmers in Germany are alarmed and extremely worried

"For humans and other animals, this virus is basically no danger," explains Joachim Rukwied, President of the German Farmers Association (DBV) in a press release. Nevertheless, now more attention must be paid to consistent hygiene measures in German companies to protect the stocks.

Authorities introduce comprehensive protection measures

Comprehensive protective measures have been taken to protect pig herds. These range from additional fencing, area restrictions on passenger and vehicle traffic, to increased animal carcass search and increased wild boar hunting. In addition, restrictions and prohibitions have been granted on the harvesting of certain areas in order not to drive out resident boars. "The additional measures we have taken to combat African swine fever are right and therefore need to be implemented as quickly as possible," explains Rukwied.

What you should know about ASP

The DBV clarifies on the dangerous animal virus. Infected pork would pose no danger to humans and could be consumed. For domestic and wild animals, however, the virus is a highly contagious threat. After indicating the DBV, most disease courses are fatal. The pathogens can last extremely long in the meat and sausage products. In a salami, the viruses can survive for up to 30 days, in Parma ham for up to 400 days and in frozen meat, the pathogens over six years.

What would happen if ASP cases occur in Germany??

If a wild boar with ASP is found in Germany, the so-called swine fever regulation takes effect. Thus, the area around the locality within a radius of 30 kilometers is declared an endangered area, in which very strict conditions prevail. Bred pigs may no longer be delivered from this area. If the virus is detected in a domestic pig, a restricted area of ​​three kilometers radius is created around the farm. All pigs in the affected establishment must be killed and disposed of under strict conditions. Subsequently, the affected area is decontaminated.

Neighboring businesses are also affected

If an establishment is affected by ASP, then no pigs may be brought into the holdings or taken out of the holdings in all neighboring establishments located within the restricted area. Only after 30 to 40 days are the neighboring companies allowed to resume delivery after a clinical examination of all pigs. (Vb)