Advent time children are often involved in accidents

Advent time children are often involved in accidents / Health News

DAK: Half of the accidents during Advent happen to children
Especially during the Advent season accidents often happen. Most accidents happen to children who are not yet sure of the dangers to their health. According to the health insurance DAK last year in the months of November and December about 100 DAK health insurance had to be treated due to burns in the hospital. Half of the patients were children.

Most common cause: hot drinks
„Children do not burn themselves so often on candles, but much more often on hot stove plates, ovens or drinks“, says DAK doctor Elisabeth Thomas. „Parents should not underestimate their child's thirst for knowledge and never leave it alone while baking, cooking or with candles and matches. Even hot drinks are out of the reach of children.“

Children's skin is especially sensitive
Burns are especially dangerous for children. Because her skin is thinner than that of adults. This results in faster deep injuries. „Even 60 degrees are sufficient for a certain duration to cause skin burns“, warns Thomas. „Danger to life already exists in children when eight percent of the body surface is burned.“ Just a cup of tea can scald up to 30 percent of a child's skin.

First Aid: Cool wound with cold water
Should an accident occur, action must be taken swiftly. Heavier injuries must be treated quickly. „Until the ambulance arrives, do not touch the wound and cool it under running cold water for about 20 minutes“, recommends the DAK doctor. „Cooling prevents the burns from causing damage even to deeper skin layers.“ Thomas advises against ointments, powders or home remedies, such as butter and flour. „They do not help but endanger the healing because they stick to the open wound.“ Clothing should only be removed if it does not stick firmly. Last year, around 700 DAK insured persons were hospitalized for several days for burns. (DAK, sb 23.11.2010)

Picture credits: DAK / Wigger