Obesity and type 2 diabetes increase the risk of liver cancer

Obesity and type 2 diabetes increase the risk of liver cancer / Health News
BMI and diabetes have a major impact on our risk of liver cancer
Many people in the world have problems with their weight. Overweight and obesity are associated with a variety of disorders. Researchers now found that people with too high a body mass index (BMI) and type 2 diabetes have a 2.61-fold increased risk of developing liver cancer.

The scientists of the American Cancer Society have now discovered in their study that the association of high BMI and type 2 diabetes leads to an increased likelihood of liver cancer. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Cancer Research".

Obesity and diabetes can promote other diseases. One such disorder is liver cancer. Researchers found that diabetes and high BMI significantly increase the risk of liver cancer. (Image: blueringmedia / fotolia.com)

The BMI also increases the risk of liver cancer
The identified risk for liver cancer increased when the body mass index increased, the researchers report. For every five inches that increase the affected person in waist circumference, also increases the risk of increase in liver cancer by eight percent, warn the experts.

The rates of liver cancer will continue to increase
In the United States, liver cancer rates have roughly tripled since the mid-1970s, author Dr. Peter Campbell of the American Cancer Society. Unfortunately, the prognosis for liver cancer patients is very poor. Liver cancer is still a relatively rare form of cancer. In the future, however, rates of liver cancer will rise as a result of the amount of alcohol consumed and the increase in obesity, the researchers say.

Study analyzes data from about 1.57 million Americans
For their study, the researchers analyzed the data from 14 different studies of about 1.57 million American adults. Before the study started, all participants had to complete questionnaires about their height, weight, alcohol consumption, tobacco use and other factors related to cancer risk.

Over 2,100 subjects developed liver cancer
Participants were diagnosed with 6.5 percent type 2 diabetes. Over time, 2,162 of the participating volunteers developed liver cancer, say the authors. In general, people should be aware that the signs and symptoms of diabetes are not always obvious. Frequently the illnesses are determined only with a physician visit.

Symptoms of diabetes
How can people recognize that they may be suffering from diabetes? For example, abnormal symptoms include more frequent urination than usual, especially at night. Another indicator could be frequent fatigue, explain the physicians. If you are often thirsty and drink a lot, this may also be a symptom of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Some sufferers also lose weight very quickly, without knowing why. Another symptom may be itching around the penis or vagina, but it is important to have this checked by a doctor, the researchers add.

Risk factors for an increased liver cancer risk
The researchers compared the rates of liver cancer among participants with or without obesity and diabetes in their study. So the experts wanted to determine the relative risk of liver cancer. Each of these factors could be associated with the risk of liver cancer. All factors are related to so-called metabolic dysfunctions. Campbell. People should make sure that they keep their body weight in the normal range.

Current results are supported by older data
The results are also consistent with other data. These had already suggested that obesity and diabetes could play an important role in the rapid increase in liver cancer in recent decades, says author Dr. Campbell.

Diabetes more than doubles the risk of liver cancer
The lifetime risk of liver cancer in the United States is about one percent. About eight adults out of every 100,000 adults develop liver cancer each year. Adults with type 2 diabetes are at increased risk of developing liver cancer, say the physicians. Their risk is more than twice as high compared to people without diabetes.

Study results are important to public health
The results are very important for public health because, unfortunately, obesity and diabetes are common widespread risk factors in the entire population, explains co-author Dr. Katherine A McGlynn from the National Cancer Institute. While some other well-described risk factors, such as the hepatitis B virus or the hepatitis C virus, are associated with an increased risk of liver cancer, these factors are much more rare than obesity and diabetes, adds the physician. (As)