ADHD suffering until adulthood

ADHD suffering until adulthood / Health News

ADHD most common developmental disorder in childhood and adolescence


Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - also known as „Hyperactivity syndrome“ known - has become a household name when it comes to diseases in childhood and adolescence and is now considered the most common developmental disorder. But the disease, which combines hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, and impulsivity, is not only limited to the early years of life, but in many cases affects life-long.

US long-term study examines nearly 5800 children
To this result are now physicians and developmental psychologists to Dr. med. William Barbaresi from the Boston Children's Hospital, which is currently in the journal „Pediatrics“ has been published. For the prospective long-term study, one of the most significant work on ADHD to date, the experts had given a total of 5718 children born between 1976 and 1982 in the US city of Rochester (Minnesota) medical care until adulthood. In 367 subjects, attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder was diagnosed in childhood, 232 of these patients participated in the study until the end of the study and were interviewed again in adulthood.

Often late effects in adulthood
The renewed survey now revealed the actual extent of Zappelphilipp syndrome: Because although the majority of those affected (75%) was treated extensively in childhood, the disease was present in nearly every third even in adulthood. But that's not all: in more than half (57%), the doctors were also able to prove at least one other mental illness, in most cases it was a drug addiction, antisocial personality disorder, hypomania, generalized anxiety disorder and depression. Of the original 367 subjects, seven had died over the years, with suicide committed in three cases. Ten people with ADHD were also imprisoned at the time of the investigation.

Experts warn against trivializing the disease
According to the authors, the results of the study should be understood as an urgent warning, despite the fact that even 35% of the persons in a control group had psychic abnormalities. ADHD is often mistakenly considered one „annoying and over-treated childhood disorder“ perceived. Here, a rethinking should happen, so William Barbaresi, because this understanding could not be further from the truth: „We need to consider ADHD as a chronic disease that should be treated as long term as diabetes. "

According to William Barbaresis, the actual extent of the attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder could be even greater - because the subjects of the current study came primarily from the middle class, where good education and appropriate medical care were therefore natural for the children. Against the background of this „Best-case scenario“ It is therefore advisable for the physician to have children affected by ADHD medically monitored and treated even at puberty: „It is worrying that only a minority of children with ADHD reach adulthood without severe negative consequences. This suggests that the care of childhood ADHD is far from optimal.“

And even the many cases of ADHD in adulthood, according to the experts, call for urgent action: „Our findings also show that physicians, insurance companies and the healthcare system must be ready to provide adequate care for adults with ADHD.“ (No)

Also read:
Medical Report: Strong increase in ADHD diagnoses
Study: ADHD is often misdiagnosed
Hypertension due to ADHD medication
ADHD: Physiotherapy instead of psychostimulants?
More and more children are receiving ADHD medication
Trend reversal in ADHD therapy?
ADHD: concentration through noise
ADHD genetically conditioned?
Allergenic foods favor ADHD
Environmental factors hardly investigated in ADHD

Picture: Nicole Celik