ADHD children at high risk in road traffic

ADHD children at high risk in road traffic / Health News

Children with ADHD are particularly at risk in road traffic.
In order to be safe on the road, children need special attention. Children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are therefore far more at risk in road traffic than their peers, according to the current warning from the German Road Safety Council (DVR).

ADHD children are three times more likely to be accident victims
ADHD is a particular problem in road traffic, as the affected children are often unfocused, easily distracted, react in a particularly impulsive manner and ignore agreed rules, according to the German Traffic Safety Council. Here, the experts invoke investigations that scientifically prove a significantly increased accident risk in children with ADHD. Fifteen percent of pedestrian and cyclist accidents between the ages of six and fifteen involved ADHD children, but their share of the total number of children is only about five percent. This results in three times higher accident risk in road traffic for children with ADHD than for their peers, according to the DVR.

Unique rules for affected children especially important
The German Traffic Safety Council therefore recommends parents and educators with the „Zappelphilipp syndrome "Children should be given easy-to-set rules for on-the-go safety and orientation, and compliance with the rules should be consistently monitored and implemented.Car drivers should always be careful with children in the street and always be ready to brake be, added the traffic psychologist Hardy Holte of the DVR. (fp, 09.10.2010)

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