ADHD, asthma, infections - premature babies with increased disease risks

ADHD, asthma, infections - premature babies with increased disease risks / Health News

What is the relationship between preterm birth and ADHD??

Preterm babies are more likely to have some health problems. Researchers now found that babies born too early one month more often develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) later in life.

The scientists of the Institute of Public Health in Oslo found in their current study that babies born one month early have an increased risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "JAMA Pediatrics".

Preterm babies are at increased risk for the development of ADHD later in life. (Image: Tobilander /

Girls are particularly affected

Infants born before the 34th week of pregnancy increase the likelihood of symptoms such as hyperactivity or a short attention span. Hyperactivity is more common in premature babies, while short attention spans affect those affected later in life, the experts explain. Girls are particularly affected by these effects. Earlier results suggested that premature babies may have underdeveloped organs that can lead to inflammation and hormonal changes that cause ADHD.

Data from more than 113,000 children were evaluated

For their study, the physicians analyzed the results of a Norwegian cohort study of mothers and children, which included the data of more than 113,000 children. Of the participating children, there were 33,081 siblings. This is the first study to examine the relationship between preterm birth and ADHD symptoms by comparing siblings, the researchers say. The current study analyzed the likelihood of preterm infants for ADHD at five and eight years of age.

When is it a premature birth?

Premature birth can lead to physical difficulties and various developmental problems that last a lifetime, say the doctors. A birth is premature if the baby is born at least three weeks too early (before the 37th week of pregnancy). Premature babies are often underweight and smaller compared to normal born children. Sometimes, affected children have a delayed physical growth and development.

Further effects of a premature birth

Premature birth has also been associated with general behavioral and personality problems that are believed to be caused by abnormalities in brain development. The lungs are one of the last vital organs that develops completely only after 32 weeks. For this reason, preterm infants are more likely to suffer from asthma and other lung problems. Children born prematurely also have more frequent problems with bowel, hearing, sight and teeth and often get infections. Premature birth is the biggest cause of child mortality in the US. In 2015 alone, approximately 17 percent of infant deaths were due to premature delivery and low birth weight, the researchers explain.

Test can determine likelihood for premature birth

A new low-cost test could predict a woman's premature birth risk. This test would allow physicians to initiate treatment to prevent premature birth or complications during pregnancy. Combined with information on other risk factors, such as age and the mother's income, the test can predict with more than 80 percent accuracy whether a woman is at risk of premature birth. Preterm birth is often associated with inflammation and has many potential causes, including possible maternal acute infection, exposure to environmental toxins or chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. (As)