ADAC test These bicycle helmets are much harder

ADAC test These bicycle helmets are much harder / Health News
ADAC test: Soft bicycle helmets are harder to take

The ADAC has tested bicycle helmets and found that a hard shell does not protect better than a soft one. A total of twelve models for adults were tested. It also showed that good quality does not necessarily have to be accompanied by a higher price.

Hard shell protects better than soft
A tough shell on cycle helmets does not protect anything better than a soft one: this is the conclusion of the ADAC, which, according to a message from the dpa news agency, has examined twelve adult helmets. Although there are no serious outliers down, but all tested models with a hard helmet shell just cut off with "satisfactory". The other eight, so-called "micro-shell" helmets, in which "only a thin, deformable shell sits above the actual protective body", on the other hand, all achieved the rating "good". They were able to achieve good to very good damping values ​​in the impact test.

Helmet try before buying
The ADAC advises the purchase, "in addition to the good protective properties also to make sure that the helmet is well worn and easy to handle". That's why a try before buying is recommended. Ordering over the Internet is therefore rather problematic. It checks whether the adjustment mechanism is easy to use and the helmet can be adapted to the shape of the head. According to ADAC, the helmet must not be stripped backwards when the belt is closed.

Change helmet after fall even without visible damage
In addition, the helmet should be well visible even in the dark for optimal safety and therefore have the brightest possible color and have large reflectors. Basically, it is important to replace a helmet after a fall, even if it has no visible damage. The ADAC claims to have bought all helmets for testing in local stores and online stores. The Certus K-Star model, which combines "best reviews with a low purchase price", was test winner.

Only every seventh German drives with a helmet
Only about every seventh German cyclist wears a helmet. And although various studies have proven that bicycle helmets can reduce the risk of deadly head injuries enormously. Such investigations lead again and again to the discussion about a legal helmet obligation for Radler. Although there are many advocates, but among other things, the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC) has long struggled against such a rule. One of the main reasons for this is that it will reduce the overall use of bicycles. It is recommended to wear a helmet in general, but still. And even a bad helmet is still better than no helmet at all, as the "Stiftung Warentest" found on the occasion of a study of bicycle helmets years ago. (ad): CFalk /