Beware of Fentanyl Drugs Mother warns parents against using these painkillers

Beware of Fentanyl Drugs Mother warns parents against using these painkillers / Health News
Mother posts picture of her son's deathbed
Again and again young people die as a result of the use of drugs and medicines. In the case of the only 22-year-old Michael Kent, an overdose of the analgesic fentanyl led to the death of the young man. The mother has now published a photo of her son's deathbed on Facebook, to draw attention to its history and to warn of the dangers of the substance.

Strong pain and anesthetic
Sherri Kent's son Michael died of an overdose of fentanyl at just 22 years old. The active ingredient belongs to the opioids and is used for severe pain and narcosis. He is about a hundred times stronger than morphine and also very fast, so fentanyl is also used in emergency medicine. An increased dose or interaction with other substances can lead to severe circulatory and respiratory disorders and, in the worst case, death.

In Canada, after a young man died of an overdose of fentanyl, the mother now warns of the dangers of the drug with a haunting Facebook post. (Image: designer491 /

To draw attention to the fate of her son, Sherri Kent now published a photo on Facebook showing her dying son in the hospital bed. It is important to her to make it clear that he did not have a drug problem: "Michael was not a drug addict. He just made a mistake that cost him his life, "the mother said in her comment.

Son sniffed Fentanyl through his nose
As she reports to the CBC News, Michael was traveling the day before the overdose with his sister in the city of Kelowna, Canada. The two met a man whom they had met a few weeks earlier, and who offered drugs to Michael. But at the urging of his sister, the young man initially refused. The next day, however, Michael changed his mind, met with the man again, and finally tried the drug in his presence by consuming it through the nose ("sniffing"). The man had previously told him he had "very strong heroin," says Sherri Kent.

Medical help came too late
The acquaintance then left the 22-year-old alone in the toilet room of a shop. "About 20 minutes later, he was too scared to go back and look for my son. So he ran to the shopkeepers to open the door, and there they found him. His lips were already blue. When the ambulance arrived, his heart had already come to a standstill, "says Michael's mother to CBC News..

The young man was immediately taken to hospital - but the help came too late. One week after the overdose of fentanyl, Michael died. Sherri Kent now wants to warn other people of the dangers of the drug with their Facebook post. "I just want to alert everyone to an epidemic that is taking place, killing 5-7 people every day in every city in Canada. It's out of control and we can only protect our children by warning them of the dangers of drug use today, "Kent writes on Facebook.

Naloxone abolishes the effects of opioids
She has lost her son to this terrible tragedy, and now wants to make other parents aware that this fate can happen to anyone who comes in contact with substances that can be snorted, the mother continues.

Fentanyl is the "killer No.1" in Canada. In order to reduce the number of dead by the substance, everyone would have to be able to easily come to sets with the active ingredient naloxone. This is an active substance from the group of opioid antagonists, by which an overdose of fentanyl or other opioids can be reversed.

"I recommend to anyone who has consuming friends or even takes drugs to get one of these sets," she said. "They give you the time you need to get medical help." (Nr)