Attention warnings against alternative practitioners

Warnings against Naturopaths websites
Finally their own practice has been opened and a web designer has put the new website online. After a few weeks, a chargeable warning flutters into the house. It is claimed that the imprint is flawed and not compliant with the German Telemedia Act. The persons concerned are usually asked to pay the lawyer's fees and to declare a cease and desist. The Bund Deutscher Heilpraktiker e.V. offers all non-medical practitioners support in the design of a legal compliant imprint.
Non-medical practitioner Peter S. first did not believe his eyes. In the letter he is asked to pay 680 euros, because his imprint does not comply with the German Telemedia Act. The client is a competitor who allegedly sees a breach of competition in the offense. First Peter S. wanted to boycott the matter and just did not react. „That's a bad idea“ said his lawyer at that time, because then further costs arise, for example, by a restraining order. Therefore, warnings should not be taken lightly and checked by a lawyer specialized in online law. He can then advise the client on how to proceed. Mostly, at least the omission explanation should be modified, because there are often formulated by the other side to far-reaching demands. Again, the utmost caution is appropriate! Once the declaration of discontinuance has been signed unchecked, the requirements contained therein must also be complied with. If, in the opinion of the other party, the demands made in the signed declaration of discontinuance are not met, further very high fines of four to five digits are threatened.
Imprint-free form
So that it does not get that far, the federation of German non-medical practitioners e.V. has set up a free service, which can be used independently of a federation membership. A message says: „The BDH offers all colleagues, irrespective of affiliation, the opportunity to generate a legally compliant imprint for their own homepage free of charge.
And that is how it works:
- Call the BDH homepage at
- If you have not already done so, register for free.
- Then click on Service, then HP Law and then Imprint Generator.
Fill in the form visible on your screen, click on generate and your personal imprint will appear, which you can copy and paste on your homepage. The service is aimed at all naturopaths and contenders and is free of charge.
Not only a faulty imprint can be warned. Caution is also advised when using pictures and texts. Those who do not have a full right of use can also be warned. Anyone who is not sure whether he actually has the copyrights or rights of use should not use the texts or photos on his own website. (Sb)
Image: Stephan Schindelin