Eight out of ten back surgeries are not medically necessary

Unnecessary interventions: Most of the back surgeries in Germany are superfluous
In a recent evaluation it has been shown that eight out of ten back surgeries that are performed in Germany are unnecessary. According to experts, the figures show that German clinics often resort too quickly to the scalpel.
Conservative therapies for back problems are often sufficient
Back pain is one of the most common health problems in this country. Patients are usually advised not to be overly concerned about complaints, but rather to strengthen their backs through exercise. However, although conservative therapies for back pain often suffice according to experts and an operation rarely makes sense, more and more patients with such symptoms are hospitalized in Germany and undergo surgery. However, a large part of these interventions is superfluous.

Often the scalpel is used too fast
As an evaluation of a special second opinion offer of Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) shows, eight out of ten back surgeries are unnecessary.
With this offer, patients can have the need for spine surgery in special pain centers reviewed.
According to the information, 79 percent of the participants were advised to be conservatively treated - for example, with physiotherapy - and came out permanently without surgery.
"The figures show that doctors in Germany often resort too quickly to the scalpel," said Klaus Rupp, head of the TK supply management, according to a statement.
"Of course, there are cases where surgery is the drug of choice, but the decision to take such a step should be well balanced and critically scrutinized," said the expert.
Medical second opinion
In the TC project "second opinion before spine surgery" insured persons can obtain a professional second medical opinion from an interdisciplinary team of specialists before a planned surgery.
According to the information, if necessary, the patients can have an appointment within two days and have their surgical recommendation reviewed in one of the approximately 30 pain centers nationwide.
The treatment team consists of a pain therapist, a physiotherapist and a psychotherapist. The experts examine the patient and jointly advise him on how best to treat him.
Most of the patients can permanently refrain from surgery
According to TK, the pain team confirmed the need for surgical intervention in 2010-2016 at only ten percent of the 2,400 participants.
In 90% of the cases, pain center specialists advised against surgery and recommended conservative treatment.
"In some cases, however, the level of suffering is so great that patients eventually decide to undergo surgery," explained Rupp.
"However, 79 percent of patients were able to permanently refrain from surgery. This is an impressive success. We want to give our insured with the second opinion program more security in a decision for or against surgery. "
More missing days due to back problems
Low back pain is widespread in Germany. This is also reflected in the absenteeism of employees.
The TK Health Report 2018 has shown that just about every eleventh day of sick leave is due to back pain (8.8 percent). Every employee was missing an average of 1.3 days in 2017 due to the diagnosis "back".
Almost one in three adults in a representative opinion poll for the 2016 TK motion study stated that they have constant or frequent back problems. About a third of them sometimes have problems with the cross.
Even younger people are affected. Forty percent of 19- to 39-year-olds reported suffering from musculoskeletal disorders, often or permanently. Above all, exercise helps to prevent painful back problems.
The TK motion study showed that one out of every four athletes is constantly suffering from back pain. For casual athletes with at least one hour of sport per week, the figure is only 15 percent. (Ad)