Losing weight & vacation How it works nevertheless

Losing weight & vacation How it works nevertheless / Health News

Summer, sun, beach or mountains. For most, the holiday is a carefree time without obligations. The return to everyday life is often followed by a rude awakening. Especially for people with serious weight problems.


Holidays are a special test for severely overweight people. All-inclusive offers with all-you-can-eat and alcohol flatrates entice you, you just want to enjoy and relax. There is nothing wrong with such all-round carefree packages if they do not nullify long-term strategies.

Nearly a quarter of the population already suffers from obesity, a chronic disease that requires a qualified therapy. This is proven by the recently presented by Federal Minister of Health Daniel Bahr "Study on adult health in Germany". What helps is a professional behavioral training that deals with the right way „dangerous“ Situations at the buffet - even on vacation - mediates. The Federal Association of German Nutritionists e.V. (BDEM), the Association of Dieticians - Deutscher Bundesverband e.V. (VDD) and M.O.B.L.I.S. e.V. in a joint statement. As travel prophylaxis prophylaxis experts recommend:

1. Consider at home: what situations could jeopardize your long-term goals? How to avoid them?

2. The holiday offers itself almost to try a new form of exercise or sport. Regular exercise is the success factor of every weight management.

3. Choose from the rich buffet offer wisely. In every kitchen there are figure-friendly specialties: Especially the Mediterranean diet offers a variety of fresh salads, colorful vegetables, delicious herbs and tasty fish preparations.

4. Alcohol quickly thwarts your weight loss efforts. At the end of a dream holiday you better enjoy a light white wine spritzer than the evening drinks.

Who in the permanent fight against the pounds after a „Relapse Insurance“ seeks help from BDEM, VDD or M.O.B.I.L.I.S. Support is provided by interdisciplinary teams consisting of a physician (nutritionist), a specialist in diet therapy and nutritional counseling (dieticians), as well as sports therapists and psychologists or educators. (Pm)

Image: Viktor Mildenberger